This is Prophecy of Death Decree to President Ruto killers as Decreed on August 2024
Death Decree To President Ruto Killers Prophecy
From 25th June 2024
The President of Kenya William Ruto unleased his killers upon Kenyans
Innocent Souls have been butchered in unspoken numbers
Yes! A Massacre in Kenya
A distressing cry against President William Ruto and his killers ascended
And God decreed
They have Shed Blood
Their Blood shall be shed
By Bullets they killed
By Bullets they shall die
Silently they will be hunted
Until all (President William Ruto Killers) are dead
A man cannot Create a man, A man has no right to kill a man
Kenya Deliverance is at Hand
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand