Coronavirus will kill no one of Jesus Christ under His Servant – these are they being shepherded and whom Jesus has brought to Himself through His servant.
(This are parts of what God revealed in the fellowships about Coronavirus)
Coronavirus Will Kill No One of Jesus Christ under His Servant
Corona virus is a demon like any other demon – a demon is a demon. Only that this is a demon that rules the world like other demons before, during and after it.
The name coronavirus (Covid 19) is a human medical term; spiritually these things are called demons. Reason Jesus was healing all kinds of diseases and sicknesses (Mt 4:23, Lk 4:40).
A person asked me, is Corona Virus God’s Will?
Yes! Nothing happens on earth that is not God’s Will. For anything to happen on earth, good or bad, God makes the final decision.
Human beings will is not mostly God’s Will. What may be bad before the eyes of humans may be good before God eyes therefore when you say ‘bad things’ its relative.
Example; it was good before God’s eyes to destroy first world by flood, to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, to destroy all Canaanites Amorites etc, but bad before human eyes.
Coronavirus is a plague in the world. It is a plague like the plagues in Egypt or those which befell the children of Israel because of disobedience and rebellion – plagues kill many. Coronavirus will kill many.
In a plague, all through history,separates those of Christ Jesus and those not. Coronavirus is a plague too making this distinction clearly.
I remember praying for those infected and quarantined before going to one of the fellowships and God spoke loudly and said, ‘Joshua, none of Mine is infected or in quarantine’ (this was the time when coronavirus started ravishing China even before going to other nations).
Then later He told me, some of His, because of not perfect relationship with Him will have it but I ask for their healing (this doesn’t include those under His servant)
Heaven and hell know clearly those truly of Jesus Christ and those not. Demons know everyone of Christ Jesus. You can lie to yourself whom you are but you cannot lie to heaven or hell and demons.
Demons only bow down to Christ Jesus.
A demon cannot bow down to washing hands, wearing masks, sanitizing, etc. Reason the world is doing these things but infections and deaths multiplying as they do them – Satan is a deceiver and cunning.
Washing of hands, sanitizing, washing clothes, bathing, etc is cleanliness and cleanliness is second to godliness. We do not do these things for demons to bow but for godliness.
By cleanliness you can know if a person people city a nation has Jesus Christ or no because swines pigs (demons) love filthiness.
Before Coronavirus came, Jesus send me to prepare His Own Sheep and He dictated how to. For a nation to even announce their first coronavirus case, Jesus made sure that all His are in Him. In a nation where all His were not in completely, the governments were delayed from announcing their first case until all those of Jesus entered (those who attended fellowships bear this testimony).
As coronavirus ravished China, none of Jesus Christ under Him and His servant up to today has been infected – they bear the witness. Asia, USA, South America, Africa, Europe, those truly of Christ Jesus and under His servant, so will it be to you like your brothers and sisters in China though you will see many dead by your sides.
Why am I revealing this now to you?
For you not to fear or worry. Fear and worry is not for the Bride of Christ but for the world people. Jesus is in control.
A perfect relationship with Jesus Christ is all that matters. Not tithes prayers offerings sacrifices or our works towards God. See how the world religious are dying.
See a relationship is worthy more than prayers fasting tithe offerings sacrifices
If you know you have no perfect personal relationship with Jesus Christ, run now, perfect it – it’s the surest way to escape this plague and many to come
God deals with individuals differently than governments nations and multitudes.
When plagues came to Egypt and pharaoh and his magicians wizards witchdoctors were defeated, pharaoh was wise to run back to Moses. World leaders, learn! Stop trusting humans more than God.
Coronavirus is now heading to governments, politicians and their houses – they cannot escape unless they run to ‘The WAY’.
Jesus send me to ask His own, ‘You have seen Me heal cancer all incurable diseases and sicknesses among you in My Fellowships, perform miracles and wonders before your eyes and in your lives individually, what is corona virus before Me?’
Jesus is Coming
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Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand