Nations that pushed their citizens to be vaccinated are facing a surge – the coronavirus surge is due to vaccination.
As said on 10th September 2021,
‘… governments pushing people to be vaccinated, prepare yourself to battle a coronavirus surge worse than before vaccination. Indeed, the vaccinated have a higher greater chance of being infected with Coronavirus and hospitalized than the unvaccinated’
See Coronavirus lies world is propagating
Coronavirus Surge Due to Vaccination – Word Fulfilled
The Coronavirus vaccines in the market today do not protect anyone from Coronavirus. The vaccinated, even with more than 3 boosters are contracting the virus easier faster in more numbers than the unvaccinated.
In fact, the Coronavirus vaccines in the market today are a key to contracting coronavirus and the surge of the virus in nations.
God made the body able to defend itself but there are things that weaken it and one of these things are the Coronavirus vaccines in the market today. They are weakening the body, making it unable to defend itself even against opportunistic diseases and sicknesses, including the Coronavirus.
To the vaccinated, Coronavirus is easier faster contracted and spread. It’s for this reason that the more a nation pushes her citizens to be vaccinated, a coronavirus surge is imminent.
Since the body is weakened, opportunistic diseases and sicknesses take dominion over the body. Reason when people who lived with a complication got vaccinated with the Coronavirus vaccines, many died.
Same reason to a vaccinated when s/he contracts the virus, their state deteriorates faster worse. I know the world is telling you that when you get vaccinated you have a lower chance of being hospitalized; it’s not true – in fact, the world wants you to be hospitalized.
The Coronavirus vaccines in the market today are not helping the body but destroying it. See a vaccine as dark as charcoal in the world today
Apart from destroying the body, they have been clothed with Antichrist agendas to the world; no buying and selling, no traveling, no freedoms, fears and threats, etc. But since He who restrains him is on earth today, they are facing a stumbling block. See life is in the blood – 666 will be injected to your blood.
The more false coronavirus variants they come up with, thus more Coronavirus vaccines boosters and more pushing of Antichrist Agendas, the more they stumble.
With Coronavirus, the world medical sector has chosen to go against every truth and even the knowledge they acquired in school – many have chosen to be parcel of the lie. A lie never lasts and cannot be sustained for long.
Nations pushing for their citizens to be vaccinated including Africa, South America and Asia nations should prepare for a coronavirus surge.
Num 21: 8-9 Then the LORD said to Moses, “Make a fiery serpent and mount it on a pole. When anyone who is bitten looks at it, he will live.” So Moses made a bronze snake and mounted it on a pole. If anyone who was bitten looked at the bronze snake, he would live.
If you have contracted Coronavirus worried with no hope, seeing no way out because of the fear fed by the world, run to Jesus Christ (wise understand).
The end is at hand – indeed at sight
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