World is propagating Coronavirus lies – everything the world is saying, promoting and doing in the name of fighting coronavirus is all lies, also proven by Coronavirus itself. Let’s expose these Coronavirus lies as propagated by the world.
(All am about to share is from Jesus Christ revelations some have shared and others not – some shared revelations are, CoronaVirus Origin Deaths Vision Plus Truth and Lies, The World is Not Fighting CoronaVirus, Coronavirus Will Kill No One of Jesus Christ under His Servant)
From the vision of Satan releasing Coronavirus to the earth’s atmosphere, Coronavirus is an airborne virus. In the earth’s air, coronavirus lives and spreads.
Since entire earth’s air is contaminated, coronavirus is not only affecting humans but also animals objects buildings surfaces etc – reason when world tests animals for coronavirus, the tests come out positive.
Coronavirus Lies World is Propagating
1. Masks Protect you from Coronavirus – a Lie!
Masks do not protect you from Coronavirus. Infact masks are objects Coronavirus attaches itself to thus easy for you to be infected and spread.
If indeed masks protects humans from coronavirus, no one who religious wears masks could have coronavirus
If indeed masks protects humans from coronavirus, since the day humans started putting on masks, coronavirus could have been eliminated from earth
Truth is, masks do not protect you from coronavirus and the virus has proved this to the world but they are all busy propagating lies.
2. Lockdowns and Curfews stops Coronavirus Spread – a Lie!
Coronavirus is an airborne virus – it’s in the air. Can lockdowns and curfews on humans stop spread of coronavirus? What about animals?
If indeed humans can lockdown and curfew the air in the earth’s atmosphere, then can they stop coronavirus spread – but we know this is impossibility.
Governments have brought lockdowns and curfews on their people, afflicting them but coronavirus has proven this futile. Coronavirus does not spread at certain hours neither only daytime nor nighttime.
3. Vaccination protects you from Coronavirus – a Lie!
The Coronavirus vaccines in the world today do not protect you from Coronavirus but instead they defile the body (the temple of the Holy Spirit). The vaccine kills destroys – keep your unborn baby (pregnancy) from that vaccine.
If vaccinating people prevents and stops Coronavirus, indeed Israel could be Coronavirus free today for being the first nation to have world’s highest levels of vaccination for COVID-19, but as I write today, Israel is battling Coronavirus, a surge infecting them at a higher rate than before vaccination. This means that, governments pushing people to be vaccinated, prepare yourself to battle a coronavirus surge worse than before vaccination. Indeed the vaccinated have a higher greater chance of being infected with Coronavirus and hospitalized than the unvaccinated.
With Coronavirus proving the world that the vaccines in the market are dangerous and not working, why is the world using fear and threats to vaccinate people?
There are other diseases world has ability to tackle, killing more humans than coronavirus but why is the world propagating a coronavirus fear? Indeed, many have knowingly or unknowingly got coronavirus and got well.
(The list of Coronavirus lies world is propagated is not exhaustive – Let Jesus Christ lead you)
Why is the world propagating coronavirus lies;
- Fear – when fear is installed in humans, then step 2 can be installed (children of God are not slaves to fear)
- Control – they have installed fear to many and now they are trying to control humans e.g. lockdowns, curfews, covid passports, etc; next is you can’t buy or sell even some governments have threatened their citizens that they cannot serve them unless vaccinated. (The church, the restrainer is still on earth, fear not).
- Money – as they install fear and try to control you, they are making money. Every coronavirus lie propagated by the world is a money-making-scheme.
- Death – at last they will kill you lying to you that they are helping you and doing it for your good (they have already killed many with coronavirus lies)
The sad part is that, those whom call themselves the church have become of the world propagating too that of the world. The world has no Truth and as the church we are commanded by our Husband to hate the world, but today, many calling themselves of Christ love the world and take what world gives them as the Truth.
Fear is the key to the kingdom of Satan – it’s the key to bowing down to Satan. Love is the Key to the Kingdom of Jesus Christ – it’s the key to bowing down to Christ Jesus.
Though the world agenda is to force everyone to Coronavirus vaccination, it’s not yet that time – Antichrist time has not yet come. If you have been vaccinated, it’s an individual personal choice you have made.
Thanks to every person who has stood for the truth on Coronavirus amidst world lies and suppression of Truth. A lie never lasts, Truth overcomes.
(The world, its organizations and systems, its people, media and social media will try to suppress the TRUTH – be as wise as a serpent and as harmless as a dove)
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