Claiming God’s Blessings is a Satan Doctrine. God’s blessings cannot be claimed but by Grace, faith and obedience they are guaranteed and attained.
Mt 6:33 But seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you
Claiming God’s Blessings – A Satan Doctrine
‘Claim’ means a demand of that one owns or has earned (something). Claiming is demanding one’s due.
There is nothing we human beings owe God therefore we cannot claim anything of/from Him. Everything of God is His therefore you cannot claim it for it is not yours – you can pray and ask but not claim.
It is only a thief who claims what is not his.
Example; if you have a house you own and another person comes to claim it, that person is a thief
If you have a car and another person comes to claim it, that person is a thief
Satan is a thief (John 10:10) who claims what is not his and so is his people.
In heaven, Satan claimed what was not his reason he was cast out of heaven (Isa 14). And today he makes humans thieves like him by claiming what is not theirs.
The moment you claim blessings, you connect yourself to the thief Satan and he comes fast with his curses. The moment you claim blessings, curses come running after you for you are a thief claiming what is not yours.
Look at every person claiming blessings and see the curses with them.
Abraham never claimed God blessings.
Though Isaac and Jacob where more descendants of Abraham by blood than us, they never claimed Abraham’s blessings but God spoke the blessings of Abraham to them.
Isaac, Jacob, children of Israel and every Godly person in the Bible never claimed God’s blessings or Abraham blessings, but you, you are claiming and speaking these blessings to yourself – who are you? A thief.
See incantation – speaking words upon yourself
To the descendants of Abraham, who are the children of Israel (by blood) and the Bride of Christ (by faith in Jesus Christ), Abraham’s blessings are automatically guaranteed.
But a thief who is not a descendant of Abraham by blood neither by faith in Jesus Christ claims them – it is chasing after the wind.
Reason many people today want things of God but not God. They want God’s blessings but not God. They want Abraham blessings but not become a descendant of Abraham by faith in Jesus Christ.
See many people are seeking blessings in the road of curses
In the entire Bible, you will never see a place we are told to claim God’s blessings neither will you see any Godly person in the Bible claiming God blessings. Claiming God’s blessings is a demonic doctrine.
There is nothing of God you will ever receive by claiming, hard work or by trying to bribe God either by your good deeds, offering, sacrificing, tithing, fasting, etc.
We receive God riches by;
1. Grace – God’s Riches At Christ Expense
On the cross Jesus paid the price for you to receive riches of God (of heaven) and He confirmed it by saying, ‘it is finished’ (John 19:30) – He finished paying the price once and for all.
There is no price you will ever pay to receive God’s riches. Stop trying to bribe God by your offering, sacrifices, tithes, fasting, etc – it’s all by GRACE.
2. Faith in Jesus Christ
Everything of God is received by faith in Jesus Christ reason Jesus said,
Mt 21:22 If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer
Abraham was blessed because of faith
In addition, faith in Jesus Christ makes you a descendant of Abraham thus automatically you receive blessings of Abraham.
3. Obedience
Obedience to God guaranteed blessings to the children of Israel while disobedience and rebellion guaranteed curses upon them. Because of disobedience and rebellion, many were tormented, afflicted and died.
And so it is with humanity – disobedience and rebellion automatically attracts curses while obedience attracts blessings.
Many people today are in disobedience and rebellion yet fasting, tithing, sacrificing, trying to bribe God to receive His blessings – you are chasing after the wind.
Everything of God is only for those in a relationship with Him – these are the children of Israel (by blood) and the Bride of Christ (by faith in Jesus Christ). Problem is people with no relationship with God want these things thus they claim or try to bribe God.
The moment you are in an intimate relationship with God, everything of God is guaranteed even without you asking, for God knows the things you need (Mt 6:8) reason it is said ‘seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you’ (Mt 6:33).
You have seen people whose work is to seek God’s blessings – they never get them but only curses. You cannot seek God’s blessings and get them, seek God and you will receive Him with His blessings.
See seek the fullness of Jesus Christ
If you have ever claimed God’s blessings, repent
Work on your relationship with God, Faith in Jesus Christ and obedience, God blessings will automatically follow you for they are guaranteed
Do not be a thief who claims what is not his
Flee from Satan doctrines
Jesus is coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand