Charging God with wrong, making God a sinner, is a sin whose author is Satan making people blaspheme God and see Jesus Christ in a bad light.
Job 1:22 In all this, Job did not sin or charge God with wrongdoing
Charging God with Wrong – A Sin
God neither sins nor does wrong – see that in the Life of Jesus when He was on earth
1 Peter 2:22 He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth
The enemy (Satan) steals kills and destroys (John 10:10), then he blinds people for them to blame accuse and blaspheme God.
When I taught about no disease is from God, I saw some people trying to make God a sinner and wrongdoer by asking what about Elisha, Job, etc? The question is; was the diseases, affliction and torment from God? No!
In God and in His kingdom there are no diseases and sicknesses reason Jesus walked on earth and never got a disease or sickness but healed them all. Remember a demon cannot cast out a demon, a prisoner cannot set him/herself free thus a sick person cannot heal him/herself.
Earlier on before Job torment and affliction began, we see Satan asking God permission (Job 1) – Job’s affliction and torment came from Satan. Job knew his God, that his God sins not and does no wrong reason Job never sinned by charging God with wrong or making God a sinner.
When you know God well, Whom He is and His Kingdom you will never charge God with wrong or make Him a sinner. People who charge God with wrong do not know God (this does not mean they do not have God in their lips).
Many people want/seek things of God but not God – the want His things but they are not there to take time with Him know Him and His Kingdom well. They are after His things not a perfect personal relationship and fellowship with Him.
When wrong things happened to Godly men in the Bible or they sinned, they never said it is God Will or God doing’s – they never made God a wrongdoer. But today, even the church and people who call themselves of God, they are charging God with wrong and making Him a sinner.
Is it God’s Will for humans to have diseases and sicknesses? No! It is not His Will reason Jesus healed all who came to Him
Is it God’s Will for a person to be afflicted, tormented, etc? No! It is not His Will reason Jesus delivered, set free, all who came to Him
God institutes and fights for marriages, hating divorce and separation but Satan puts marriages asunder. See cursed is every person who puts marriage asunder
Today people testify of divorce, separation, marriage put asunder as God’s doing – this is charging God with wrong, a sin. People have come to me and said, ‘God told me to separate, God told me to divorce’ – that is charging God with wrong. The person who told them that is not God but Satan who transformed himself to light to deceive them.
God kingdom is a family and the enemy hates family unit and loves destroying families reason today we have dysfunctional families, single parent families, etc – it is Satan doing not God’s nor His Will
Today single motherhood is being glorifies, propagated and perpetuated, it is the devil doing it for he knows this is against God but he blinds people to say it’s God’s Will and doing, and they testify about it thinking it is glorifying God but in reality it glorifies Satan. See no single mother in heaven
Do you not know that God never causes accidents? Yes – He does not. But today people say accidents is God’s Will and His work – it is charging God with wrong.
God will never tell a person to do what is wrong or sin – Satan does. I have seen people who claim its God who made them sin – they are charging God with wrong.
Being tempted is not a sin but falling to the temptations is – Jesus was tempted too but never fell, never sinned (Heb 4:15). Scripture indeed says we sin because of Lust of the Flesh, Lust of the Eyes, and the Pride of Life (1 John 2)
God will never tell you to go take a loan – Satan does. See loans a tool of the enemy to destroy you
When a person dies, you hear people say it is God’s Will, God doing. I tell you a truth, not every person who dies is God’s Will. I have seen many people die and God saying to me that it is Satan who has stolen. Large percentage of deaths today is Satan stealing a soul.
God does not steal, afflict, torment, give humans diseases and sicknesses, cancer, additions, demons, etc – it is Satan who does these things. These are the works of Satan which Jesus came to destroy.
1 John 3:8 But the Son of God came to destroy the works of the devil
Never in your heart, in your mind and with your tongue, charge God with wrong by making devil works be His Works – it is a sin
There is a difference between asking God why this and that wrong, affliction, torment etc is happening/has happened and making God the wrongdoer/a sinner. You can see Job asking God many questions but never charging God with wrong.
When in God, Satan can be given permission to torment and afflict us like Job but not kill us. When not in God, Satan torments afflicts and kills you when he wants for he has authority over your soul.
Us in God, though Satan will afflict and torment us, God will use that to mold, train, teach, chasten, raise us to the next level and use that for His glory.
It was not God’s Will or doing for Moses to kill the Egyptian who was fighting with the Jew – Moses sinned (Ex 2). But God used that to take Moses to molding, 40 years in wilderness, for him to come back deliver the children of Israel and lead them though the wilderness.
In God our sins are forgiven when we acknowledge and repent, and we are supposed to learn, not to fall again and to see the greatness of God in our sin for God to use our failure and weaknesses for His glory (2 Cor 12).
A fool denies, never acknowledges his/her sins, blames and accuses others – you are an enemy to yourself
People charge God with wrong because they do not fear God – the fear of Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Prov 9:10)
Like fellow Bride of Christ, I pass through many afflictions and torments but in all, I cannot open my mouth charge God with wrong or make Him a sinner – I fear, I tremble and I know it equals blasphemy, a sin to hell. I know that every affliction, torment, torture, persecution, abuse, attack, etc, is Satan doing it to me
Charging God with wrong, making God a sinner equals blasphemy and that is what the enemy wants people to do – to blasphemy God and to see God as the bad one, the enemy; to see God in a bad light.
Every wrong thing that happens to people and to the world today is not God doing neither His Will but works of the devil
You will never see God do wrong – you will never see God sin – you will never see God leading a person to sin
For every wrong you have charged God with and every word you have spoken to make Him a sinner, repent
Flee from every person you hear charging God with wrong or making God a sinner or the enemy
God (Jesus Christ) is not the enemy – Satan is
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand