The 2 Requirements to Enter Heaven – God Revealed to Me

The 2 Requirements to Enter Heaven – God Revealed to Me

In a visitation on 9th July 2015, God revealed to me the 2 requirements to enter heaven. For a person to enter heaven, s/he must; be born again and Love. Being born again is being born of water and of spirit. Being born of water is being born of repentance and being born of spirit is …
What I Saw at the Throne of My God

What I Saw at the Throne of My God

This is what I saw at the Throne of My God. The ground was of pure gold – soil like pure gold. The gold was alive. I saw a sea. The sea was like crystal
My Journey Inside Hell (Vision of Hell)

My Journey Inside Hell (Vision of Hell)

This is my journey inside hell (vision of hell). Many things were spoken and revealed then a voice said, ‘we must show you hell’. And immediately before my eyes were the chambers of hell
How I got Tired of a god of All Talk No Action

How I got Tired of a god of All Talk No Action

This is my testimony of how I got tired of a god of all talk no action – a god who only talks talks talks but no healing, deliverance, no miracles signs and
Satan Before Joshua Eyes – Revelation of the Serpent to Joshua

Satan Before Joshua Eyes – Revelation of the Serpent to Joshua

Satan before Joshua eyes, Jesus Christ revelation of the Serpent to Joshua. A voice said unto me, ‘Joshua come see your adversary, It’s time you clearly




Fallen Angels vs Preachers War Prophecy

This is Prophecy of War between Fallen Angels and Preachers. Whomsoever preaches is their enemy. Woe unto you if you are not called. Eating human flesh. Drinking human blood