A Walk with God inside Satan Kingdom in Kenya. Devil worship alive in Kenya

A Walk with God inside Satan Kingdom in Kenya

These are the things I saw in a walk with God inside Satan kingdom in Kenya. I saw Satan agents and worshipers in Kenya meeting in one of the big halls in the country. God took me ...
‘Never Make Money With My Gospel’, Jesus Instructs ME – Testimony

‘Never Make Money With My Gospel’, Jesus Instructs Me – Testimony

This is how Jesus Christ instructed me to never make money with His gospel. God instructed me to leave everything for Him. It was hard but God closed all doors and I had to obey. God came ...
How I Died and Found Myself Entering Heaven - Testimony

How I Died and Found Myself Entering Heaven – Testimony

This is testimony of how I died and found myself entering heaven. As I opened the door, sharp pain pierced my chest close to my heart. I lay on sofa waiting for the pain to ease and disappear ...
How I was Taught Never to Question If Jesus Christ is With Me – Testimony

How I was Taught Never to Question If Jesus Christ is With Me –...

This is my testimony of how I was taught never to question if Jesus Christ is with me. The first time Jesus Christ appeared to me in 2011, He said to me, ‘Joshua, I will never forsake you’. As ...
Why I Stopped Street Mission: The Immediate Death of Prominent Kenyans Each Time I Go. Joshua Munguti in the streets

Why I Stopped Street Mission: The Immediate Death of Prominent Kenyans Each Time I...

Why I Stopped Street Mission: The Immediate Death of Prominent Kenyans Each Time I Go. The first day I went to the streets of Nairobi was Friday 7th February 2015 in the afternoon. As I opened my mouth that day to speak near the Tom Mboya statue, Holy Spirit …
The 2 Requirements to Enter Heaven – God Revealed to Me

The 2 Requirements to Enter Heaven – God Revealed to Me

In a visitation on 9th July 2015, God revealed to me the 2 requirements to enter heaven. For a person to enter heaven, s/he must; be born again and Love. Being born again is being born of water and of spirit. Being born of water is being born of repentance and being born of spirit is …
When those Called and Send to do His will Refuse what Does He do? God Spoke to Me

When those Called and Send to do His will Refuse what Does He do?...

When those Called and Send to do His will Refuse what Does He do? God Spoke to Me. He asked me, ‘Joshua, when I called people to come to My wedding banquet what did they do?’ I said, ‘They all gave…
Every Second of Your Life on Earth is Recorded in Heaven like a Movie

Every Second of Your Life on Earth is Recorded in Heaven like a Movie

Every second of your life on earth is recorded in heaven like a movie and it will be revealed in the judgment day. If you committed adultery and sexual immorality, you will see yourself ...
Vision of the so great a cloud of witnesses and their intercession

Vision of the so great a cloud of witnesses and their intercession

I was taken to the sea-line, Great posts come from heaven, And stood in the basement of the sea greatly shaking the sea waters, As this was happening, I saw a boat coming from the sea, As it come near where I was standing, Moses came out followed by Elijah and John the Baptist, and they stood with me,
Testimony of God doing miracles through this blog

My life my testimony part-6: – Testimony of God doing miracles through this blog

This is my testimony of God doing miracles through this blog and testimony of God miraculous intervention the day I could not pay this blog bills and the blog was almost suspended. On 2nd of every month I pay about $10 to....
Testimony of how God sent His child to this blog

My life my testimony part-5: – Testimony of how God sent His child to...

This is a testimony of how God sent His child to this blog. When I started this blog, I was using a free wordpress theme; Atahualpa. The blog grew and I had to a better theme. I researched for the best wordpress theme but most of them are ‘premier’ meaning you have to buy. I saw one theme with.....
Testimony of God promise to give me something to do after instructing me not to search for a job

My life my testimony part-4:- Testimony of God promise to give me something to...

This is my testimony of God promise to give me something to do. God came on end October 2011, and told me, ’Joshua, I will come to you on 28th February 2012 to show you what you will be doing for me as I raise you to where I want you to be’. From end...




Fallen Angels vs Preachers War Prophecy

This is Prophecy of War between Fallen Angels and Preachers. Whomsoever preaches is their enemy. Woe unto you if you are not called. Eating human flesh. Drinking human blood