Vision of Chariots of God out on Earth

Vision of Chariots of God out on Earth

I saw chariots of God come out from the heaven in formation to the earth. The horses were very huge with each horse having a rider. The horses and riders were all clothed for war. They were
Prophecy of Planned Rigging of Kenya Elections 2017

Prophecy of Planned Rigging of Kenya Elections 2017

This is prophecy of planned rigging of Kenya elections 2017. When the presidential results of Kenya elections started trickling in, I saw one presidential candidate tally of votes come to about
Light Rail in Nairobi Prophecy

Light Rail in Nairobi Prophecy

This is prophecy of a light rail in Nairobi. I saw light rail being laid in Nairobi. I saw the rail in the streets of Nairobi central business district. A sign that
Kenya Airways Back to Pride Prophecy

Kenya Airways Back to Pride Prophecy

This is prophecy of Kenya Airways bouncing back to pride. I saw Kenya Airways buy a new modern passenger plane. I saw the plane being launched. Kenya Airways will bounce to pride
Donald Trump Two Terms USA President Prophecy

Donald Trump Two Terms USA President Prophecy

This is prophecy of Donald Trump Two Terms USA President. Donald Trump is USA president for 8 years
Prophecy of the Next Kenya President After Raila Odinga

Prophecy of the Next Kenya President After Raila Odinga

This is prophecy of the next Kenya president after Raila Odinga. I saw a man of disciple – is he from the disciple forces? He wasn’t known in the public neither
TB Joshua, Flee to Israel – Its God’s WILL (Jesus Christ Revealed)

TB Joshua Flee to Israel – Its God’s WILL (Jesus Christ Revealed)

TB Joshua flee to Israel. It is God’s WILL. I saw the evil one (Satan) out to kill TB Joshua. And I saw God open heaven and release one of the Old Testament
World War Prophecy

World War Prophecy

This is prophecy of world war. I saw world nations fast after any weaponry they could get. They brought to life their old warplanes, warships and weaponry which laid
Butchers of Men in Kenya out to Kill Governor Joho (Prophecy)

Butchers of Men in Kenya out to Kill Governor Joho (Prophecy)

This is prophecy of butchers of men in Kenya out to kill Governor Joho. I saw killers out after Governor Joho. The killers were fulfilling their master’s orders
Mombasa Tsunami Prophecy

Mombasa Tsunami Prophecy

This is Mombasa Tsunami prophecy. I saw a huge mountain of water far-off in the sea. The first thing I saw as the mountain come near the shores was to draw
Vision of Demons Transforming Themselves to Angels of Light Speaking to People

Vision of Demons Transforming Themselves to Angels of Light Speaking to People

This is vision of demons transforming themselves to angels of light speaking to people. I saw people against the TRUTH. They claimed to know the Truth and
This is vision of God flood on earth

Vision of God Flood on Earth

This is vision of God flood on earth. I saw flood waters swiping over the earth as it was in Noah’s time but the waters were not of rain. And I heard a




Fallen Angels vs Preachers War Prophecy

This is Prophecy of War between Fallen Angels and Preachers. Whomsoever preaches is their enemy. Woe unto you if you are not called. Eating human flesh. Drinking human blood