Former Kenya President Death Prophecy

Former Kenya President Death Prophecy

This is prophecy of a former Kenya president death. Death of a former Kenya president is at hand. But if he hearkens to the voice, he will be added some years of Grace
Earth Preparing Herself for the Earthquake - Kenya Prophecy

Earth Preparing Herself for the Earthquake – Kenya Prophecy

I found myself standing before the Lord. I asked the Lord, ‘Why is the earth opening herself up?’ And the Lord answered, ‘The earth is preparing herself for the earthquake’
Kenya Election Prophecy – Raila Odinga vs William Ruto (Second Revelation)

Kenya Election Prophecy – Raila Odinga vs William Ruto (Second Revelation)

This is Kenya election prophecy – Raila Odinga vs William Ruto. I saw two main candidates for Kenya presidential election – Raila Odinga and William Ruto. I listened to the voices of Kenyans as God
Death of A Renown Prophet as His Followers Await Him to Resurrect (Prophecy)

Death of A Renown Prophet as His Followers Await Him to Resurrect (Prophecy)

This is prophecy of death of a renown prophet as his followers await him to resurrect. I saw the renown prophet die. His followers hid his death from the public as they prayed and waited for him
Prophecy of Massacre in Kenya

Prophecy of Massacre in Kenya

This is prophecy of massacre in Kenya. As I saw, everything Kenya government has been and is doing is setting the road to a massacre. The opposition and their leader have being foolishly led by
Vision of Jesus Sitting At the Right Hand of God and Tattoos in Hell

Vision of Jesus Sitting At the Right Hand of God and Tattoos in Hell

This is vision of Jesus sitting at the right hand of God and tattoos in hell. At the mention of the Name Jesus, I saw both saints and animals bow down in heaven. It was amazing seeing a lion, a giraffe
Change of Israel Leadership Prophecy

Change of Israel Leadership Prophecy

This is prophecy of change of Israel leadership. . I saw missiles. Then I saw ‘them’ after a Israel leader. They killed the leader. And they put their own in
Prophecy of Mungiki Rulership In Kenya

Prophecy of Mungiki Rulership In Kenya

This is prophecy of Mungiki rulership in Kenya. I saw mungiki do sacrifices publicly. They shed the blood of animals and ate meat. I saw other abominations done during their sacrifices.
Prophecy of Tribal Clash Massacre in Kenya

Prophecy of Tribal Clash Massacre in Kenya

This is prophecy of tribal clash massacre in Kenya. I saw tribes in Kenya rise against one another. Many Kenyans were killed. Women raped. In coastal areas I saw bodies being cast to the sea
Raila Odinga Death Prophecy – If You Continue in Disobedience

Raila Odinga Death Prophecy – If You Continue in Disobedience

This is Raila Odinga death prophecy if he continues in disobedience. Because God has spoken of you being the chosen president of Kenya and His word does not fall to the ground, you will be the
Whether Kenya Elect Uhuru Kenyatta or Raila Odinga – Stalemate Continues

Whether Kenya Elect Uhuru Kenyatta or Raila Odinga – Stalemate Continues

Whether Kenya elect Uhuru Kenyatta or Raila Odinga, stalemate continues - the war continues. ‘If Uhuru Kenyatta is elected, the other part will not accept it. If Raila Odinga is elected, the other part
Prophecy University Students Demonstrations in Kenya

Prophecy of University Students Demonstrations in Kenya

This is prophecy of university students demonstrations in Kenya. Was a university student killed by the police? Then I saw university students in Kenya come together. And demonstrations




Fallen Angels vs Preachers War Prophecy

This is Prophecy of War between Fallen Angels and Preachers. Whomsoever preaches is their enemy. Woe unto you if you are not called. Eating human flesh. Drinking human blood