Vision of Sun going down at noon and Earth darkening in broad day-light

Vision of Sun going down at noon and Earth darkening in broad day-light

Time and day is coming, and here it is, when the world is going to wake up early in the morning amazed, mesmerized and covered with fear. World clocks will be ticking morning but the sun will come out at a different position from its usual ...
christian truth center

Kenya Prophecy: – Kenya Given to Terrorists Prophecy

Al-Shabaab are going to trigger Kenya and just within a twinkle of an eye, Kenya will head to war with Al-Shabaab in Somalia. In doing this, God is going to give Kenya to terrorists to be trembled until her appointed times. In going to war in Somalia, God was gong to make Kenya.......
Prophecy: - Kenya and South Africa in trouble prophecy

Prophecy: – Kenya and South Africa Trouble

A voice (I could not see its source) started talking to me saying, ‘Two countries are in trouble. One is Kenya because Kenyans have stiff-necked themselves from the voice of God. They have not repented and looked to Him for solutions. Therefore,several things are going to happen within a short time period'......
Kenya Prophecy: - Famine in Kenya revealed to me

Kenya prophecy: – Famine in Kenya as revealed to me

Famine is coming to Kenya like a wild-fire. This is because the people of Kenya have turned away from God and they are sinning and believing in themselves not in the Lord Jesus Christ. This famine is to awaken the sleeping nation and the church to repent and turn their hearts ........




Fallen Angels vs Preachers War Prophecy

This is Prophecy of War between Fallen Angels and Preachers. Whomsoever preaches is their enemy. Woe unto you if you are not called. Eating human flesh. Drinking human blood