Kenya prophecy fulfillment part-1: - Uhuru Kenyatta becomes the President of Kenya

Kenya prophecy fulfillment part-1: – Uhuru Kenyatta becomes the President of Kenya

This is Kenya prophecy fulfillment part-1 of Kenya judgment prophecy as revealed to me in March 2011. In the Kenya judgment prophecy, a mother was to bear a son. The son is the ...
Prophecy fulfillment: - Algeria plane crash and awakening of Kenya churches

Prophecy fulfillment: – Algeria plane crash and awakening of Kenya churches

This is prophecy fulfillment of a passenger plane crash. An Algeria army plane ferrying army personnel’s and their families crashed killing every person with only one man surviving. Immediately, news headlines in Kenya......
Prophecy of Matatu crew clash with police in Nairobi Railway bus station

Prophecy of Matatu crew clash with police in Nairobi Railway bus station

This is the prophecy of Matatu crew clash with police in Nairobi Railway bus station revealed to me; Joshua Munguti, I was taken to Nairobi Railways bus station. I saw...
Prophecy of a passenger plane crash

Prophecy of a passenger plane crash

This is prophecy of passenger plane crash. I saw a passenger plane crash as it approached an airport to land. I saw it explode; I saw fire and smoke come out. I saw people.....
Prophecy of Kenya security collaborating with terrorists to attack Kenya

Prophecy of Kenya security collaborating with terrorists to attack Kenya

This is the prophecy of Kenya security collaborating with terrorists to attack Kenya as revealed to me on 30th November 2013. I saw terrorists planning to attack a building in Kenya in collaboration with Kenya security officers. The Kenya security officers......
Prophecy of Kenya Rugby Players Accident

Prophecy of Kenya Rugby Players Accident

This is the prophecy of Kenya Rugby players accident as revealed to me on 23rd November 2013. I saw Kenya rugby players involved in an accident. Immediately when the accident occurred, before....
Prophecy of devastating floods coming to Kenya

Prophecy of devastating floods coming to Kenya

This is the prophecy of devastating floods coming to Kenya as revealed to me in the early hours of the morning on 18th November 2013. I saw clouds gather over the face of Kenya. From the east of Kenya, clouds came together growing bigger heavy darker and......
Prophecy on Kenya Terrorists Attack

Prophecy of Kenya terror attack

This is the prophecy of Kenya terror attack as revealed to me in the early hours of morning on 4th November 2013. The executioners of the terror attack will be three men who God clearly revealed to me.The fourth man will be assigned to ferry.....
Visions of Satan releasing demons and ghosts with demons mating with humans

Visions of Satan releasing demons and ghosts with demons mating with humans

This is the vision of Satan releasing demons and ghosts with demons mating with humans as revealed to me on 16th October 2013. Satan knows God seasons and times he knows that time is over. Satan is determined in these last minutes of End time to.....
Rampant sexual immorality in Nairobi Streets

Vision of rampant sexual immorality in Nairobi Streets

Nairobi has been turned to a sex center with her streets dirty with rampant sexual immorality. Many buildings have been turned to brothels and Kenyans are even engaging in live sex in the streets. Kenyans have turned night clubs into.........
Deserted Nairobi Streets with Police in every corner

Deserted Nairobi Streets with Police in every corner

A terrible event is coming to Kenya leading to Nairobi streets being deserted. Many Kenyans in Nairobi will run out of the city and they few remaining will stay indoors as Nairobi CBD becomes a no-go-zone. Police will occupy Nairobi CBD streets with.......

Sun appears in night realising sparks lighting fires vision

The sun went down on the west and darkness covered the whole land again while we were still in the well. After some few minutes, the sun which we could not see started emitting light in breaks, the light travelling speedily in the sky from west to east. Every person on earth was terrified. Suddenly the........




Fallen Angels vs Preachers War Prophecy

This is Prophecy of War between Fallen Angels and Preachers. Whomsoever preaches is their enemy. Woe unto you if you are not called. Eating human flesh. Drinking human blood