Prophecy of Iran coming out for war and Iranians dead bodies fed by animals

Prophecy of Iran coming out for war and Iranians dead bodies fed by animals

This is the prophecy of Iran coming out for war and Iranians dead bodies fed by animals. I saw Iran coming out for war, With many army men on the ground and chemical weapons, They came to annihilate people enjoying a moment of safety, The people came out with....
Prophecy of Tribal Expulsion coming to Kenya

Prophecy of Tribal Expulsion coming to Kenya

Tribal expulsion is coming to Kenya. I saw Kenya tribes rise against one another, I saw tribes expel each other, Along the Eldoret road up to Kisumu, I saw a certain tribe forced out, In ...
Vision of Great Tribulation period and Jesus coming with Saints

Vision of Great Tribulation period and Jesus coming with Saints

This is the vision of the great tribulation period and Jesus Christ coming with Saints. I saw many demons released to the world, Released to attack humanity on earth, Demons could change themselves taking different forms, Snakes could change to humans, Lizards could get wings and fly, I saw many...
Earthquakes! Earthquakes! Earth tremors coming! Jesus is coming!

Earthquakes! Earthquakes! Earth tremors coming! Jesus is coming!

A series of earthquakes and earth tremors shook the earth, One after another, Never ever experienced on earth, Walls and trees shook greatly, I run to open grounds, People came out of their houses to open grounds, for....
Prophecy of a stand-off in Kenya borders; war about to break

Prophecy of a stand-off in Kenya borders; war about to break

I saw Kenya war personnel come to the Kenya border, I also saw one of Kenya neighbors send her war personnel to the border, The border separated the two, They were armed ready to fight, I heard the.....
prophecy of airport attack

Prophecy of Airport Attack

I saw gunmen secretly take positions in an airport, From the entrance, inside up to the control towers, Immediately after, Other gunned men entered from the entrance, And they started...
Prophecy of a passenger plane coming to crash

Prophecy of a passenger plane coming to crash

I saw a passenger plane in the skies, Rotating in circles, I saw people on the ground calling one another to watch this plane, Breathless; expecting the worst or a miracle, With a high speed the plane took a descending direction, I heard...
Vision of animal kingdom rising against humanity

Vision of animal kingdom rising against humanity

I saw the animal kingdom rise against humanity, I saw the entire animal kingdom taking over the land, I saw the marine kingdom come on land, Funny they were not dying without water, I saw....
Vision of fire in the firmament of the heavens as heavenly objects collide

Prophecy of fire in the firmament of the heavens as heavenly objects collide

I saw a huge heavenly object moving in the heavens, It was burning as the sun with flames bursting out, It collided with other heavenly objects, And each time they collided or it passed close to ...
Vision of the Antichrist and God’s message to His children

Vision of the Antichrist and God’s message to His children

I saw Satan enter a man, I saw the man working his way up to rule the world, He persecuted a well known Israel leader who loves, fears the God and leads Israel in a Godly way, For the gospel the Israel leader was persecuted, The name of the Israel leader was written......
Prophecy of judgment coming to Mexico and other world nations

Prophecy of judgment coming to Mexico and other world nations

This is prophecy of judgment coming to Mexico and other world nations. I saw violent winds come to Mexico, i saw waters devastate Mexico. Mexico repent.
Prophecy of floods and water devastation coming to earth

Prophecy of floods and water devastation coming to earth

This is prophecy of floods and water devastation coming to earth. I saw the earth tilt, I saw sea waters coming to continents land, I saw it rain, I saw the sea waters and rain waters start filling the land, I saw coastal lands swept away, I saw floods, I saw buildings fill up with water, I saw people.....




Fallen Angels vs Preachers War Prophecy

This is Prophecy of War between Fallen Angels and Preachers. Whomsoever preaches is their enemy. Woe unto you if you are not called. Eating human flesh. Drinking human blood