Satan Before Joshua Eyes – Revelation of the Serpent to Joshua

Satan Before Joshua Eyes – Revelation of the Serpent to Joshua

Satan before Joshua eyes, Jesus Christ revelation of the Serpent to Joshua. A voice said unto me, ‘Joshua come see your adversary, It’s time you clearly

Martha Karua Deputy President Ticket – A Costly Ticket (Revelation)

Martha Karua as Raila Odinga running mate for Kenya General Election 2022 is a costly ticket. A costly ticket to Kenya as a nation. A costly ticket
President Uhuru Kenyatta War on Church in Kenya (2013 Revelation)

President Uhuru Kenyatta War on Church in Kenya (2013 Revelation)

This is President Uhuru Kenyatta war on Church in Kenya as revealed 2013. Uhuru Kenyatta presidency was a war on Church in Kenya. Through Uhuru
William Ruto – It’s Your Moment, Reveal To Kenyans

William Ruto – It’s Your Moment, Reveal To Kenyans

Kenya Deputy President William Ruto, it’s your moment, it’s your time – Talk to Kenyans, Reveal to them. Tell Kenyans every truth. Tell them the unspeakable. Unspeakable things
A Changed Raila Odinga – A Selfish Man (Revelation)

A Changed Raila Odinga – A Selfish Man (Revelation)

This is revelation of a changed Raila Odinga. Raila Odinga is a changed man. He is no longer the man he was. He is no longer a selfless man. No longer a
Imminent Trouble Coming To United States of America (Prophecy)

Imminent Trouble Coming To United States of America (Prophecy)

This is prophecy of imminent trouble coming to United States of America (USA). Trouble is rising in the United States of America (USA). Trouble current
Abomination in United States Armed Forces (Vision)

Abomination in United States Armed Forces (Vision)

In United States Armed Forces, I saw a man in women clothing. With charms over his eyes lips face and body. A man, walking demonically imitating
Church Rising Up from the Earth (Rapture Vision)

Church Rising Up from the Earth (Rapture Vision)

This is vision of rapture, of the church rising up from the earth as revealed. Wind blew from the east to every corner of the earth. As the
Dr. Anthony Fauci Judgement Prophecy

Dr. Anthony Fauci Judgement Prophecy

This is Dr. Anthony Fauci judgement prophecy. Dr. Anthony Fauci chose to take the lead the world in destroying humanity with CoronaVirus lies
The End of CoronaVirus Lies Has Come

The End of CoronaVirus Lies Has Come

The end of Coronavirus lies has come; the end is here. With Coronavirus, world chose lies, perpetuating of Antichrist Agendas and

Brutal Defeat of USA in War Prophecy

This is a prophecy of brutal defeat of USA in war. Unites States of America (USA), you have rejected the One who made. You have gone after a stranger, a strange woman.
Dennis Itumbi – Hearken to The Voice of Lord

Dennis Itumbi – Hearken to The Voice of Lord

Dennis Itumbi, they came to kill you but the Lord intervened. Hearken to the voice of the Lord. The Lord requires of thee Dennis before your killers come for you




Fallen Angels vs Preachers War Prophecy

This is Prophecy of War between Fallen Angels and Preachers. Whomsoever preaches is their enemy. Woe unto you if you are not called. Eating human flesh. Drinking human blood