Vision: Many People Don’t Want to Hear GRACE

Vision: Many People Don’t Want to Hear GRACE

Vision: Many People Don’t Want to Hear GRACE. A person said to me, ‘You must give God 10% to receive’. I said, ‘No! God’s Riches At…’ Before I finished speaking, the person was walking away and
Vision of Myself in Filthy Garments and What God is Saying and Teaching Us

Vision of Myself in Filthy Garments and What God is Saying and Teaching Us

This is the vision of myself in filthy garments and what God is saying and teaching us as revealed to me. I saw myself in a very clean garment which was as brand new. In the crowd, there was ...
To the Bride Of Christ Eagerly Awaiting His Coming, Jesus Christ says

To the Bride Of Christ Eagerly Awaiting His Coming, Jesus Christ says

This is Jesus Christ message to His bride eagerly awaiting His coming in rapture as I received. I saw people eagerly awaiting the coming of Jesus Christ in rapture. They were doing whatever it ...
Vision of a Man throwing a Stick to the President

Vision of a Man throwing a Stick to the President

This is a vision of a man throwing a stick to the president with the president waking up to the reality that majority of the citizens are not happy with his leadership as revealed to me. I saw...
Prophecy: Zambian Archbishop Marries and Vision of People Likening Prophet Owuor’s Miracles to Kanyari’s

Prophecy: Zambian Archbishop Marries and Vision of People Likening Prophet Owuor’s Miracles to Kanyari’s

I saw news headlines and a voice read to me the written words, ‘A Zambian Archbishop marries’. The Holy Spirit made me understand that the archbishop is of a religious denomination were the clergy is not allowed to marry. Then I saw a group of people that claim to serve God, rich, heavily financed to a point they own helicopters say…
Prophecy of Wonders in the Sun and Moon, and Vision of the ‘Harlot’

Prophecy of Wonders in the Sun and Moon, and Vision of the ‘Harlot’

This is prophecy of wonders in the sun and moon, and vision of the ‘harlot’ as revealed to me. I saw the sun dim then light up again brightly . I saw the moon moving in the skies. Then the moon moved from the skies to my feet. The sight …
Kidnapping of an African President by a Militant Group Prophecy

Kidnapping of an African President by a Militant Group Prophecy

This is prophecy of kidnapping of an African President by a militant group as revealed to me. I saw a militant group kidnapping a sitting African President. The militants penetrated president’s security. And got out of a…
Prophecy of Mother and Child Quarantined for Ebola

Prophecy of Mother and Child Quarantined for Ebola

This is a prophecy of mother and child quarantined for Ebola as revealed to me. I saw a child test positive for Ebola. The child lived with the mother. The mother and the child were…
Cameroon Repent! Cameroon Repent!

Cameroon Repent! Cameroon Repent!

Cameroon Repent. God does not want to judge you. He wants to relent His wrath coming to you. He wants to protect you from the disasters coming to befall you. He wants you to…
Prophecy of Antichrist Rise, Christians Persecution and Release of Demons

Prophecy of Antichrist Rise, Christians Persecution and Release of Demons

This is prophecy of Antichrist rising with Christians persecution and release of demons to the world as revealed to me. I saw Satan about to release demons to the world. And I saw Antichrist rising. He had people working for him. He persecuted christians...
Prophecy of Riots and Gunfire coming to Mombasa

Prophecy of Riots and Gunfire coming to Mombasa

This is prophecy of riots and gunfire coming to Mombasa as revealed to me. I saw riots erupt in Mombasa. Security personals came out to the streets. It was running battles. I saw people being arrested. Heavily armed gun fighters...
8 Moons in the Sky (Second Prophecy)

8 Moons in the Sky (Second Prophecy)

This is the second prophecy and vision of 8 moons in the sky as revealed to me. I saw 8 moons in the sky, One full moon was at the center surrounded by the other moons, One crescent moon near the full moon was very bright...




Fallen Angels vs Preachers War Prophecy

This is Prophecy of War between Fallen Angels and Preachers. Whomsoever preaches is their enemy. Woe unto you if you are not called. Eating human flesh. Drinking human blood