Prophecy of Many Moons in the Sky
This is prophecy of many moons in the sky as revealed to me. The sky was clear. A full bright moon was in the east clearly visible to humanity. Looking beside it were other moons all over the ...
Prophecy of Demonstration Against Uhuru Kenyatta Government for Touching a Beloved Politician
This is prophecy of a huge demonstration against Uhuru Kenyatta government for touching a beloved politician. I see a huge demonstration moving into Nairobi CBD. I see women, children, and ...
Vision of Satan Destroying God Servants
I saw Satan destroying God servants. Some he is buying with money and worldly prosperity. Through abuses and prosecutions he is bring down others. Many others are placed under his systems …
Vision of Highway in the Skies followed by Rain
This is vision of highway in the skies followed by rain. A highway was made in the skies. From east to west going beyond the horizon. The highway was stunning. And God said to me
Vision of the Body of Christ, End Time Ministries and End Time Revival –...
This is Jesus Christ revelation of vision of the Body of Christ, End Time ministries and End Time Revival (Last Minute Revival) to Tommy Hicks. The greatest thing that the church of Jesus Christ h
Prophecy of Passenger Plane Crash
This is prophecy of passenger plane crash. I saw a passenger plane flying low. Black smoke coming out from its rear. The plane flew until it crashed. I saw people running to the crash scene.
Tornado Prophecy
This is tornado prophecy as revealed to me. I saw clouds rolling fast in circles. With strong winds the clouds were coming down on earth. People run when they saw ...
Prophecy of Earth Tremor Announcing Coming Earthquake in Kenya
This is prophecy of Earth tremor announcing coming earthquake in Kenya. A violent earth tremor is coming. It’s announcing the coming prophesied earthquake. A historic earthquake is ...
God’s Message to the Wealthy Oppressor Leading People
This is God’s Message to the wealth oppressor leading people. You oppress my people. You have killed many innocent. I have seen; My eyes have I not shut. You have installed fear in my ...
Vision of Satan Agent in Sheep’s Clothing with Corrupt Truth
This is vision of Satan agent in sheep’s clothing with corrupt truth. I saw a person with a form of truth. The person quoted Bible verses and taught others the Bible. But the person truth
Shocking Abuse from Prophet Owuor’s Repentance and Holiness Ministry
This is a shocking abuse from Prophet Owuor’s repentance and holiness ministry to me for delivering God message as commanded. ‘PLEASE DO NOT SEND US YOUR FOOLISH MAILS OF ...
Prophecy of Kenyans Massacre by Al-Shabaab
This is prophecy of Kenyans Massacre by Al-shabaab as revealed to me in the early morning hours of 9th December 2015.
After being chased out...