Friday, February 21, 2025
You Cannot Preach What You Do Not Have - Jesus Will Be Blasphemed Because of You

You Cannot Preach What You Do Not Have – Jesus Will Be Blasphemed Because...

You cannot preach what you do not have. You cannot give what you do not have. You cannot preach Jesus Christ you do not have. Today, Jesus Christ is blasphemed because people are preaching Jesus
4 Ways of Preaching the Gospel Apart from Pulpit Preaching

4 Ways of Preaching the Gospel Apart from Pulpit Preaching

There are 4 ways of preaching the gospel apart from pulpit preaching. When many people hear of preaching the gospel, they only thing that comes into their mind is pulpit preaching, leading a church
The Problem is Not the Brood of Vipers but You

The Problem is Not the Brood of Vipers but You

The problem is not the brood of vipers but you. As you accuse blame and complain about the brood of vipers, they are not the problem but you are the problem. Let’s see some Truths (facts) 1. Were
No Person is Send to Reveal Who is True and False Servant of Jesus Christ

No Person is Send to Reveal Who is True and False Servant of Jesus...

No person is send to reveal who is true and false servant of Jesus Christ. No person is send to go pointing fingers at people, at individuals saying ‘this is a true servant of God’, ‘this is a false servant'
Stop Preaching a Human Being – Preach Jesus Christ

Stop Preaching a Human Being – Preach Jesus Christ

Stop preaching a human being – preach Jesus Christ Him alone. We are all send to preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified not a human being. Mk 16:15 Go into all the world and preach the gospel
Gossip and Slander Will take You to Hell

Gossip and Slander Will take You to Hell

Why do you gossip and slander? Do you not know it is against the Lord and the result is hell? (1Cor 6:9-10, Gal 5:23, Rev 22:15). When Miriam and Aaron gossiped and spoke against Moses, God anger
Love Your Enemies – Why Do You Pray Bad to Befall Your Enemies?

Love Your Enemies – Why Do You Pray Bad to Befall Your Enemies?

Why do today ‘so-called-Christians’ pray bad to befall their enemies yet Jesus teaches us to love our enemies? Mt 5:44 But I tell you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that
No Racism Tribalism or Any Discrimination in Christ Jesus

No Racism Tribalism or Any Discrimination in Christ Jesus

There is no racism tribalism or any discrimination in Christ Jesus. Those in Christ Jesus are children of Abraham. Gal 3:7: Know therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham
You Will Go to Hell For Not Doing God’s Will

You Will Go to Hell For Not Doing God’s Will

You will go to hell for not doing God’s Will. Heaven is only for those who do the Will of God. Mt 7:21: Not everyone that says unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that
Leave All Your Traditions and be Adopted to Abraham

Leave All Your Traditions and be Adopted to Abraham

Leave all your traditions and be adopted to Abraham – be joined to Christ Jesus. Today, people want to be joined to Christ Jesus, be adopted to Abraham without leaving their traditions and abominations
Difference Between Prophecy and Spirit of Divination

Difference Between Prophecy and Spirit of Divination

What is the difference between prophecy and spirit of divination? Large percentage of what is operating in the church today in the name of prophecy is divination. Spirit of divination is for 3
The Move of The Holy Spirit in a Congregation

The Move of The Holy Spirit in a Congregation

This is the move of the Holy Spirit in a congregation – the presence of the Holy Spirit in a gathering; the evident of the Holy Spirit in a gathering of believers. You have heard people say, ‘the Holy Spirit




Fallen Angels vs Preachers War Prophecy

This is Prophecy of War between Fallen Angels and Preachers. Whomsoever preaches is their enemy. Woe unto you if you are not called. Eating human flesh. Drinking human blood