Thursday, January 30, 2025

6 Differences between God Laws and Mosaic Law

There are 6 differences between God laws and Mosaic Law. If a person fails to differentiate these laws, s/he gets confused with which part of the law applies to him/her. God laws are the ...
How to discern spirits

How to Discern Spirits

Do you know how to discern spirits? There are only two spirits:- Spirit of God (Holy Spirit) and Spirit of Satan (Evil Spirit). There are many people preaching the gospel but not all are powered by ...
Salvation by Grace

Salvation Only by Grace Through Faith

Salvation is only by grace through faith. Thus the faith we have is the key to salvation (being saved). Grace: God’s Riches At Christ Expense, is a gift from God (Jesus Christ) not of or from any man.
Spirit of Antichrist

The Spirit of Antichrist

There is the spirit of Antichrist and the man Antichrist. What is in work today is the spirit of Antichrist not the man Antichrist. The spirit of Antichrist is that spirit which is against anything godly. It ...
Roman catholic church

Roman Catholic Church Apostasy

The Roman Catholic Church is the 'MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH' and cannot talk of Church apostasy without mentioning it. The Roman Catholic Church is the biggest pervert of the word of God in the world. The Roman Catholic Church is the.....
Today Church Apostasy

Today Church Apostasy

Apostasy has taken over the church and Christians today. Apostasy is the departure from believe and great faith in Jesus Christ; fall away from the truth. Therefore, an apostate person is someone who once believed, had great faith and then......
Biblical church leadership structure

Biblical church leadership structure

God has systems and structures for the church. A congregation without leadership structure aligning itself to God’s structure does not experience the movement of the Holy Spirit. For the church to be the body of Christ, we must unify all gifts thus all.......
Noah Ark Window significance

Noah Ark Window Significance

Many people know the story of the ark, the flood and Noah. The Old Testament Noah’s ark is a symbol of the New Testament Salvation; The Old Testament is a figurative of the New Testament. The window was the only place where Noah would open for.......
The body is the temple of God

The body is the temple of God

A temple means a dwelling place of God or the house of God. God does not dwell in non-living things with no destiny but He uses non-living things for a purpose. God dwells in humans who have destiny. When a person connects his/her spirit with the spirit of God i.e accepts Jesus, the spirit of God moves and........
what is a church and what is a temple

What is a Church and What is a Temple

What is a church? What is a temple? Is there a difference between a church and a temple? Yes! A church is not a temple. A temple is a building or place for worship or a dwelling place of God or gods. It is the place where God dwells in; the house of God. A church is.......
Yoga untold spiritual truths

Yoga Untold Spiritual Truths

There are untold spiritual truths about Yoga. Yoga is a spiritual discipline before being a physical discipline. Yoga is the method of yoking or unifying the 'lower' (egoistic) personality to the ‘higher’ via a pr. Yoga is an ancient path to spiritual growth and originates out of India where.....
Great faith (faithful)

3 Levels of Faith: – Great Faith (Faithful)

Great faith, faithful, is one of the 3 levels of faith. In the word 'faithful', there are two words: Faith and Full. Faithful means full of faith or great faith. A person of great faith (the faithful): - Knows the way, has firm stand, complete trust and confidence in God, is not swayed from the truth, has deep believe in......




Donald Trump Wins 2024 USA Presidential Election – 2016 Prophecy Fulfillment

This is 2016 Prophecy Fulfillment as Donald Trump Wins 2024 USA Presidential Election for his Second Term as prophesied. 2020 USA election, Donald Trump lost to Joe Biden.