Why Many Preach But Go To Hell

Why Many Preach But Go To Hell

Many preach but go to hell. Preaching is the easiest ticket to hell. In hell, I saw many preachers holding their bibles at hand, crying for mercy,
In Jesus Equals Peace With Wild Animals and Stones

In Jesus Equals Peace With Wild Animals and Stones

For wild animals stones and all God creation to be at peace with you, you must be in Jesus Christ otherwise the opposite is true. Job 5:23
Warfare – Physical Fight Result of Spiritual Defeat

Warfare – Physical Fight Result of Spiritual Defeat

Warfare – A physical fight is a result of a spiritual defeat. When you are defeated spiritually, you will fight physically. When you fight and win ...
Peace – A Measure of Your Relationship with Jesus Christ

Peace – A Measure of Your Relationship with Jesus Christ

Peace is a measure of your personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It indeed shouts out loud if Jesus Christ is dwelling in you or not. Peace is
Beggars are Unrighteous

Beggars are Unrighteous – Including Pulpit Beggars

Beggars are unrighteous – there is no righteous beggar. I have been young, and now am old; Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his
Godly Definition of Poverty and Riches (What it Means to Be Rich or Poor)

Godly Definition of Poverty and Riches (What it Means to Be Rich or Poor)

This is the Godly definition of Poverty and Riches – what it is means to be rich or poor Biblically. Poverty and riches to a human are 3 faced;
Poverty is Not Godliness – God is Not Poor

Poverty is Not Godliness – God is Not Poor

Poverty is not godliness for our God is not Poor. There is a wrong doctrine gospel perception mentality, that the poorer you are the godlier holy or righteous
Read Bible to Understand Not Cram Verses

Read Bible to Understand Not Cram Verses

Read Bible to Understand not cram verses. Many people read Scripture to cram verses but not to understand it - to know the mind of God. God and the writers
Revelation of The Antichrist

Revelation of The Antichrist

This is revelation of the Antichrist as revealed. As the world faces more troubles humans cannot solve. Antichrist is being ushered in. When Antichrist
The Spirit of Elijah Does Not Make You Elijah

The Spirit of Elijah Does Not Make You Elijah

The Spirit of Elijah does not Make you Elijah. Neither does Spirit of Moses make you Moses nor Spirit of Judah make you Judah. What is the Spirit of Elijah?
‘Altar Call’ Religious Salvation Lie

‘Altar Call’ Religious Salvation Lie

Altar call is a religious salvation lie. No person is ever saved through an ‘Altar Call’. When God Himself (Jesus) was walking on earth preaching, He never
The Main Assignment of a Prophet (Not to Prophecy)

The Main Assignment of a Prophet (Not to Prophecy)

The main assignment of a prophet is not to prophecy. A prophet is a vessel for Jesus Christ to reveal Himself to the world in Power, witnessed by miracles ...




Donald Trump Wins 2024 USA Presidential Election – 2016 Prophecy Fulfillment

This is 2016 Prophecy Fulfillment as Donald Trump Wins 2024 USA Presidential Election for his Second Term as prophesied. 2020 USA election, Donald Trump lost to Joe Biden.