Abraham Allegory: – Law vs Grace
In the Bible, Abraham allegory is a study of the law vs grace. Abraham had two sons, one by a slave woman; Hagar and another by a free woman; Sarah. Ishmael is a son born of ...
They Brought Them All to Jesus and He Healed them All
There is no healing deliverance freedom unless the afflicted tormented are brought physically to Jesus.
Mind Your Own Business – Many People Problem Today
Mind your own business. Many people today cannot mind their own business especially ‘so-called-Christians’ (in quotes).
1 Thess 4:11 Make it your goal to live...
Pornography is adultery
You shall not commit adultery is a command which goes beyond just the physical act of sex with someone not your wife or husband. Adultery first takes place when you see with your eyes and reach with your hand. Pornography is adultery. As you watch those people in screen have sex, or that magazine, you are committing adultery. What goes on in your mind as you watch porn?.......
Last Week of Daniel 70 weeks: – Great Tribulation Period
After cutting off of Messiah, 69 weeks are accomplished and fulfilled. Then angel Gabriel gives out the prophecy of the last one week of the seventy weeks. The last one week of the seventy ...
Anointing Oil Was a Shadow of the Holy Spirit
Anointing oil was a shadow of the Holy Spirit. Anointing oil is of the Old Testament (Old Covenant), a shadow of the substance, the New Testament anointing; the Holy Spirit. In the entire New Testament
Characteristics of Idols
All idols (gods) have same characteristics and using these characteristics you can know the idol or god in your life. They are nothing and the truth about them is hidden so that their followers, worshipers or witnesses will never see nor know, for the idols not to be put in shame. Through idols, demonic spirits operate. These spirits from satanic kingdom are passed from the idols to the worshiper. Reason you find someone who worships an idol is possessed by the demon of that idol thus very difficult for.....
Jesus Christ Neither Needs nor Wants Your Money or Material Wealth
Jesus Christ neither needs nor wants your money or material wealth. He is a Rich God. He wants you not what you have (material things). When God tells you to give
Satan Before Joshua Eyes – Revelation of the Serpent to Joshua
Satan before Joshua eyes, Jesus Christ revelation of the Serpent to Joshua. A voice said unto me, ‘Joshua come see your adversary, It’s time you clearly
The parable of the rich man in the Bible
It is not godliness with great gain that will give you contentment, but it is godliness with contentment that will give you great gain. A content man is not the one who has the most but the one who needs the list. We have the so-called ‘prosperity teachers’ today in Christian televisions. They teach that godliness with great gain gives contentment (the prosperity gospel). So they teach us to name.......
Invest Your Money and Riches in God
Invest your money and riches in God, lay yourself treasures in heaven. Seeking God with all your heart and soul includes seeking Him with your money riches
Difference Between Being Called and Send To Preach the Gospel
There is a difference between being called and send to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. Being called does not mean you are send to preach the gospel - for many are called but few are chosen