It is Not People’s Responsibility to Take Care of a Preacher
It is not people’s responsibility to take care of a preacher – whosoever has send you, must take care of you. In the Bible we see God Himself talking care of His servants. God took care of His servant Moses
Bible study preparation
Bible study preparation before impacting in a bible study is crucial and essential. Many people do not prepare to study the bible because the do not know how to do it and the reasons behind it. This is how to prepares for a bible study......
Not Every Worldly Wealthy Person is Blessed by God
Not every worldly wealthy person is blessed by God. You can become worldly wealthy/rich through 3 ways; Be blessed by God, Be given by Satan and Work hard. People chose to work hard because they do not want to seek first …
Antiochus and Ptolemy wars in the Bible
Antiochus V, king of Syria, came in the scene and called Greece to come down with him to invade Egypt. To seal up his victory over the Egyptians, Antiochus V told Ptolemy to try the marriage thing again to unite them and bring peace. Antiochus V offered his daughter, Cleopatra, to Ptolemy to be married by his young son. Antiochus was doing this corruptly. What he wanted was to.........
Warfare – Physical Fight Result of Spiritual Defeat
Warfare – A physical fight is a result of a spiritual defeat. When you are defeated spiritually, you will fight physically. When you fight and win ...
Rapture is Biblical
Rapture is Biblical. Rapture is from God. It is part of God’s plan of saving humanity. ‘the word rapture comes from the word ‘rapturo’, ‘harpazo’ meaning to seize upon by force, to snatch upon by force or caught up.‘Rapturo’, ‘harpazo’, ‘caught up’, or ‘snatch up’ is in the Bible. The Bible was...
Stop Preaching a Human Being – Preach Jesus Christ
Stop preaching a human being – preach Jesus Christ Him alone. We are all send to preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified not a human being. Mk 16:15 Go into all the world and preach the gospel
Worshiping the Sabbath day
Worshiping is adoring as divine, giving service to, idolizing or regarding with adoration. There are people who worship the Sabbath day. Worshiping the day is being in the Sabbath day in a way which is not right. God did not create man for or to Sabbath day but Sabbath day was created for man. Many people have turned Sabbath to be a day of........
Protestant Heresies Today: – You Need Spiritual Covering (a false gospel)
Do you need spiritual covering? Is spiritual covering Biblical? In the Bible, in the True gospel, there is no ‘spiritual covering’ - the word ‘spiritual covering’ is not found in the Bible. Biblically, ...
When you Pray, Use Not Vain Repetitions as the Heathen do
But when you pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. Many people think that by speaking much in prayers for many ...
You shall not steal
Stealing is taking away another man's property by force or fraud, without the knowledge, and against the will of the owner thereof. Any form of stealing is prohibited and it is a sin. There is nothing like a ‘petty theft’ in God's sight; the character of those who steal a little is the same as those who steal much. Everyone has stolen......
Protestant Heresies Today 6: – Congregation of Believers becoming the Church
A protestant heresy today is making the congregation of believers become the church. A congregation of believers is not a church and a church is not a house, tent or place. There are 4 types of believers in God; Believers with …