Charging God with Wrong – A Sin

Charging God with Wrong – A Sin

Charging God with wrong, making God a sinner, is a sin whose author is Satan making people blaspheme God and see Jesus Christ in a bad light. Job 1:22 In all this, Job did not sin or charge God
Where is Your Heart – It is Where Your Money and Riches Are

Where is Your Heart – It is Where Your Money and Riches Are

Where is your heart? Your heart is where your money and riches are – where your treasures are. Mt 6:21 For where your treasure is, there is your heart
effects of the law

The Law Effects and Shortcomings

The Law has serious effects and shortcomings which law obedient believers do not know or are ignorant of. If you are under the law, struggling and fighting to keep the law, boasting ...
True servants of God do not give themselves titles in their names

True Servants of God do not give themselves Titles in their Names

True servants of God do not give themselves titles in their names. Titles elevate, draw honor, glory, recognition, etc to a person. Other people may use these titles when referring to them but the .,.

MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN real life application

Man in the world is busy building empires or kingdoms but the big question is; are the kingdoms inline with the heavenly kingdom? What you are building and acquiring not inline with God’s will and plan in your life and not acquired it in a Godly way is a Babylon. After building Babylon kingdoms, soon or later fingers of a man’s hand write on the walls of the kingdoms you have created and you see the hand has it writes, ‘MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN’. You see signs of your businesses going down, money getting.......
You shall not take the name of the God in vain

You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain

Taking the name of God in vain is using the name meaninglessly, futile, lightly, empty or profaning it. The name of God has become a street slang, a street expression name, a curse name and a name which many people swear to. People have been desensitized from the name of God that it does not mean anything big and many can use it anyhow, anywhere. The name has been mentioned many times in a slang way that......
Difference Between Being Called and Send To Preach the Gospel

Difference Between Being Called and Send To Preach the Gospel

There is a difference between being called and send to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. Being called does not mean you are send to preach the gospel - for many are called but few are chosen
Marriage: - When you marry the wrong person

Marriage: – When you marry the wrong person

What happens when you marry the wrong person? When you go out to search for a husband or wife and marry? You have woken up and realized you got an ‘animal’; someone’s ‘Bone of Bones’ ‘Flesh of Flesh’ then what? What do you do? What does...
True believe produces Faith and Faith produces Obedience

True Believe Produces Faith and Faith Produces Obedience

True believe produces faith and faith produces obedience. Obedience is a fruit of great Faith, true believe being its roots.
The Main Assignment of a Prophet (Not to Prophecy)

The Main Assignment of a Prophet (Not to Prophecy)

The main assignment of a prophet is not to prophecy. A prophet is a vessel for Jesus Christ to reveal Himself to the world in Power, witnessed by miracles ...

Bible study preparation

Bible study preparation before impacting in a bible study is crucial and essential. Many people do not prepare to study the bible because the do not know how to do it and the reasons behind it. This is how to prepares for a bible study......
The Book of Revelation – Blessing For Reading and Hearing It

The Book of Revelation – Blessing For Reading and Hearing It

The Book of Revelation is the last Book in the Bible – the only Bible book with blessings for reading and hearing it. The Book of Revelation is entirely prophecy thus prophecy is Jesus Christ revelation. Prophecy reveals ...




Fallen Angels vs Preachers War Prophecy

This is Prophecy of War between Fallen Angels and Preachers. Whomsoever preaches is their enemy. Woe unto you if you are not called. Eating human flesh. Drinking human blood