The Book of Daniel is an Old Testament book which wholly paints a picture of the Book of Revelation. Remember that the Old Testament is a shadow of the New Testament and for you to understand the New Testament you should have read and understood the Old Testament.
The Book of Revelation only puts all the Old Testament revelations of Jesus together as well as putting all future prophesies from the Old Testament together.
As I said, if you have no knowledge and understanding of the Books of the Old Testament, you cannot understand the Book of Revelation. One of the most important books you must understand in order to understand the Book of Revelation is the Book of Daniel.
Study of the Book of Daniel
The Book of Daniel was written by Daniel in 600 BC. Daniel was one of the captives who were carried by the King of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, during the times of prophet Jeremiah into Babylon.
All visions of Daniel are presented to Him when He is a captive in Babylon.
Daniel is the key that unlocks the Book of revelation. Without unlocking the Book of Daniel, the Book of Revelation remains mystery to us.
Much of what Daniel wrote is fulfilled (has come to pass) but there are unfulfilled prophesies.
We are going to look at all pictures painted by Daniel and all prophesies revealing world history, the road to End Times and the End times in order to understand the Book of Revelation.
Let’s look at King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream.
Peace be with you.