What is the Biblical meaning of man and woman? Man and woman are created by God to complete and complement one another.
Biblical meaning of woman
Gen 2:23: And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
‘Woman’ is the name that Adam gave to ‘bone of his bones, flesh of his flesh’ which was taken from him.
‘Bone of my bones’ is an idiom in the Hebrew language meaning exact counterpart, perfect partner, completer of me, from me.
After God took out Adam’s rib, created His image and likeness and brought her to Adam, Adam opened his eyes and saw his ‘exact counterpart, perfect partner; Woman.
Woman is the bone of bones, flesh of flesh of man; man’s perfect partner.
What did the woman see?
Biblical meaning of man
The woman saw ‘Man’.
Man is the bone of bones, flesh of flesh of the woman; Woman’s perfect partner.
Biblical Marriage
It is only your perfect partner or exact counterpart you can call ‘my man’ or ‘my woman’.
When you go out to find a partner, disobeying God and His order of creation as seen in finding a partner the Godly way, you get someone-else bone of bones, flesh of flesh and s/he is not your woman or your man but an ‘animal’ to you.
Woman or man is the name specifically to your ‘bones of bones’ ‘flesh of flesh’.
From this first marriage in the Garden of Eden we get the 3 qualities of a heavenly perfect ideal marriage.
God bless.