Some people have very bad Bible attitudes and this hinders them from having an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ in addition to not understanding the Bible.
Bad Bible Attitudes
Some bad bible attitudes are: –
1. The Bible cannot be understood
Some people believe that the Bible can only be understood by specially trained people not by every person. This is also what some churches and denominations teach that the general person has to depend on the clergy to understand the Bible.
Due to bad attitude, they approach the Bible convinced they will not and never understand it. They put forth only a half-hearted effort, and of course they do not understand the bible.
If you say, ‘Yes! I can’, you will but if you say ‘No! I can’t’, you will never.
God says that every person can read and understand the bible. It was not written to God or to specific few people but to the entire human generation.
Jesus clearly stated that every person can understand Him. He is God, the ‘I AM’, the word, the Bible. He said, ‘hearken to me every one of you, and understand’ (Mk: 7:14).
2. Closed minded Bible study
Many people read the Bible with a closed mind just looking for what they know, trying to prove what they know, justify what they know and sitting on their own understanding of the bible and their past believe.
With a closed mind, you never strive to learn the truth and obey it regardless of it going against what you believe. You seek the word to justify what you have believed in the past, which may be true or false.
A closed mind is a closed heart. The word, the Bible, will never help you in this state. You have to open up you mind, leave everything you have heard, taught, or know and get the truth as the Bible puts it through even if it contradicts with what you knew in the past.
Read and study the bible with a mind open for the truth.
Many people close their mind, hearts, eyes, and ears and misunderstand the truth. They enjoy practices or have prejudices contrary to what God teaches. They have motives for rejecting Bible teaching to satisfy their own minds.
If you mind is not open, having a burning desire for truth, God will not force you to accept Him but He will let you be lost and give you to your mind.
And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.( 2Th:2:10)
An open mind is ready to accept the truth and love it.
Things you must know about the Bible
1) The Bible is from God
‘All scripture is inspired by God’ (2 Timothy 3:16). It is the word of God not of men.
For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when you received the word of God which you heard of us, you received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually works also in you that believe (1Th:2:13).
2) The Bible is verbally inspired
‘Verbal’ inspiration means that every word written by the inspired writers was exactly the word God said, says and wanted.
3) The Bible is infallible
Nothing in the bible is wrong or a mistake. God does not make mistakes and each word in the bible is true and accurate. Even the tense of verbs, the singularity or plurality used is accurate.
4) The bible does not contract itself
God does not contradict Himself. You will find verses in the Bible which talk of the same thing in a different way but since you have a closed mind you will say the bible contradicts itself or take one lesson and neglect the other. You are neglecting the truth.
Leave this bad bible attitudes behind.
God bless you