Can another human being speak to God on your behalf? No! Humans cannot be mediators between God and humanity.
Another human being cannot speak to God on your behalf
Moses could speak on behalf of the children of Israel to God. Severally we see him acting as a mediator.
Before Jesus Christ died on the cross, human beings could act as mediators to fellow humanity but not after His death.
Because of sin, human beings cannot be mediators. Every person living on earth is a sinner.
There is no one righteous, not even one (Romans 3:10)
The only man who lived on this earth and committed no sin is Jesus Christ and it is only Him who is the mediator between God and humanity.
1 Tim 2:5: For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus
There is only one mediator, not a human being, not any God servant, not Mary mother of Jesus but Jesus Christ Himself.
It is only Jesus Christ who can speak to God on your behalf.
God servants are not mediators between God and humanity. A God servant cannot speak to God on behalf of another human being.
I have seen people looking for prophets and other God servants to speak to God on their behalf. Several people have come to me asking me to ask God this and that on their behalf.
I cannot be a mediator between you and God, and no human being can. Speak to Jesus Christ Himself. He will speak to God the father on your behalf.
If you speak to God and He does not answer you, or you feel that you cannot speak to Him, your personal relationship with Him is not right. Get it right.
See if you God does not answer you, your personal relationship with Him is not right (next)
If God does not answer you, stop running to servants of God to speak to God on your behalf and to Satan servants with spirit of divination.
God servants cannot speak to God on your behalf but they can intercede for you. As the great cloud of witnesses intercedes for brethren here on earth, so can God servants and brethren intercede for fellow brethren.
See vision of the great cloud of witnesses
No matter how much a servant of God intercedes for you and you are not repenting, praying and getting your personal relationship right with God, it is all in vain.
If you ask me to intercede for you, no matter how much I do it and you are not repenting, praying and seeking God, it is all in vain.
I will intercede for you but the heaven will wait until the day you seek God for you to get what you ask.
Go to servants of God for direction, guidance, intercession, deliverance from diseases, demons, etc but not for them to speak to God on your behalf. It is only Jesus Christ who does that.
No human being can speak to God on your behalf. It is only Jesus Christ who is the mediator between God and humanity.
Repent Repent Repent
Jesus is coming
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand