Anointing oil was a shadow of the Holy Spirit. Anointing oil is of the Old Testament (Old Covenant), a shadow of the substance, the New Testament anointing; the Holy Spirit.
Heb 10:1 the law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming–not the realities themselves. Colossians 2:14-17
See 32 differences between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant
Anointing Oil Was a Shadow of the Holy Spirit
The Old Testament uses shadows. Example;
In the Old Testament there no mention of the Name ‘Jesus’ but if you look at every shadow, the substance of it is Jesus revealed in the New Testament.
Manna was a shadow of Jesus. Sabbath, a shadow of Jesus. Serpent raised by Moses in the wilderness, water coming from a rock, the Ten Commandments, etc, are all shadows of Jesus. Sacrifices, offerings, tithes, feasts, etc, are all shadows of Jesus.
Even people life’s narrated in the Old Testament like Isaac, Benjamin, Joseph, Judah, Jonah, Hosea, etc are all shadows of Jesus
The Bible from the first verse in Genesis to the last in Revelation, in its entirety is all about One Person; Jesus.
John 5:39 You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about Me.
Bible (scripture) is not Jesus. There is a difference between Jesus and the Bible. See the difference between the Bible and Jesus
You cannot see Jesus from genesis to revelation unless you are in Him and the Holy Spirit dwelling in you for it is the Holy Spirit to reveal Him to you (John 16:13)
People have perverse interpretation of the Bible, doctrines, religion, etc, because they fail to see that the Bible is not about the objects, the imagery, the commandments, about them and their deeds (works), etc but it is all about One Person, Jesus, and because of these the enemy uses the Bible against them.
The Bible can be used in witchcraft and even today witchdoctors, spiritualists, brood of vipers, etc use the Bible to deceive you, steal kill and destroy. Remember Satan used the Scripture in tempting Jesus. One type of witchcraft I revealed to you is incantation, see speaking Bible verses upon yourself
If Bible is your ‘god’ that is religion. If Jesus Christ is your ‘God’ and you are led by the Spirit of God, you’re a Bride of Christ, a son of God (Rom 8:14)
Let’s see how anointing oil was used in the Old Testament
Anointing Oil in the Old Testament
Anointing Oil in the Old Testament is only found in this books of the Law; exodus, Leviticus and Numbers (those with wisdom understand).
Anointing oil was made from ingredients instructed by God Himself to Moses
Ex 30: 23-24 take also unto you the finest spices, of pure myrrh five hundred shekels, and of sweet-smelling cinnamon half as much, even two hundred and fifty shekels, and of sweet-smelling cane two hundred and fifty shekels, And of cassia five hundred shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary, and of oil olive an hin: And you shall make it an oil of holy ointment, an ointment compound after the art of the apothecary: it shall be an holy anointing oil
What are those demonic anointing oils of yours made of and who instructed you to make one?
Anointing oil was only to be used for the below purposes as instructed by God;
- Anointing the tabernacle of meeting and the ark of covenant (Ex 30:26)
- Anointing the table and all utensils, the lampstands and its utensils and the altar of incense (Ex 30:27)
- Anointing the altar of burnt offering with its utensils and the laver and its base (Ex 30:28)
(All these things were in the Old Testament Jewish temple)
- Anointing the priesthood, Aaron and his sons (Ex 30:30) for them to minister to God as Priests
God gave this commands about the anointing oil;
- Shall not be poured on a man’s flesh
- You shall not make any other like it, according to its composition
Anointing oil was not for personal use ((Exodus 30:32-33)
Whomsoever disobeyed this commands shall be cut off from His people (Ex 30:32) – this means whomsoever disobeys shall cease to be called ‘Sons of God’, ‘church’ or ‘Bride of Christ’
Look at how you have disobeyed God, making your demonic anointing oils and using them for purposes not instructed by God and because of this, ignorance and lack of knowledge, many have been cut off from God’s people.
If you look at the above purposes of anointing oil, it was not for personal use and not every person was allowed to touch it for it was Holy.
Your demonic anointing oils are for personal use, people making them for themselves, buying them for themselves and every one can touch and own them for they are not Holy but demonic.
No other man except Moses was/has been instructed by God to make anointing oil
Anointing oil was a Old Testament shadow of the Anointing Himself, the Holy Spirit, revealed in the New Testament. Every command and shadow pertaining its making, use, etc, reveals the Holy Spirit.
Anointing Oil in the New Testament
When Jesus died, resurrected and ascended to Heaven, the Promise came to dwell in humans – the Anointing Himself; the Holy Spirit.
See anointing is the Holy Spirit Himself
It is for this reason that in the entire New Testament (New Covenant) there is no mention or use of ‘anointing oil’ – because the shadow was replaced by the Person Himself; the Holy Spirit.
If the Holy Spirit is dwelling in you, baptized with the Holy Spirit (in anointing), you are anointed thus saved.
It is the Holy Spirit who is the Power, the anointing upon, the One who works signs miracles and wonders in the mention of the Name of Jesus. See Baptism with Fire.
Mary did not use anointing oil to anoint Jesus feet but a pound of expensive ointment made from pure nard (John 12:1-8). Mary could not touch Anointing Oil for it was Holy and Anointing Oil was not supposed to be poured on ‘man’s flesh’.
In James 5:14, church elders are told to pray over the sick and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. That oil is not Anointing Oil for church elders are not even worthy to touch God’s Anointing Oil – the one He instructed Moses to make.
In Mark 6:13, the disciples anoint the sick and heal them – that oil was not Anointing Oil. Why did the disciples not heal in the Name of Jesus?
Because Jesus had not yet died, resurrected and ascended for the Promise, Power, the Holy Spirit, to come in and upon them for them to heal in the Name of Jesus (without a oil). See that after Jesus ascension, the disciples including Paul the Apostle never used oil but every miracle sign and wonder was in the Name of Jesus (by Word).
Mostly church elders have no anointing upon, are not anointed with Power, reason you see them told to use oil (not anointing oil) and pray for the sick
When you have the Anointing Upon, clothed with Power, you cannot use oil and God cannot allow you, for all signs miracles and wonders must only be at the Name of Jesus and by laying of hands.
Phil 2:10-11 That at the Name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. See Mark 16:15-20
Jesus never used anointing oil or oils, so are His servants (New Testament servants)
Witchcraft Today in the name Anointing Oil
Today everything you see in the name of anointing oils is all witchcraft. Witchcraft purpose is to transmit demons, steal kill and destroy you.
A Person who uses oils to anoint is not Powered (anointed Upon), thus either not called nor send, or the Holy Spirit has departed from him. See how to know the Holy Spirit has departed.
The only use of oil (not anointing oil) in the New Testament is for church elders to pray for the sick – there is no other use. Why are you using oils to do witchcraft?
When you have the Holy Spirit dwelling in you, you are Anointed, for the Holy Spirit is the Anointing thus you do not need any human being to anoint you with their oils for if you allow, its Satan transformed into light who will initiate you to darkness in the Name of Anointing.
There is this person I know who was walking with Jesus Christ, in the Spirit led by Him, with dreams visions etc, until darkness went to the person and convinced to anoint the person with oil. Immediately darkness took over the person, dreams visions, etc disappeared and the persons’ life become a mess, and God came fast and told me that my friend has being initiated to darkness and the Holy Spirit has departed – and the person has to bear the price until God delivers (wages of sin).
This so-called-anointing oils are accursed abominable things, doorways of demons to you. See doorways of the enemy
Do away with all those things called anointing oils, throw them away, burn them – they are foreign gods, demons destroying you.
Do not let a man pour their so-called-anointing oil upon you, if you have the Holy Spirit, He will immediately depart until you are delivered.
God’s Anointing (Holy Spirit) cannot be bought, therefore this oils of yours you are buying and collecting everywhere anywhere are Satan’s.
These soaps, salts, ornaments, etc you are buying and collecting in the Name of anointing are all witchcraft.
You have seen in religion how they pour their demonic oils on people to make them pastors, bishops, to politicians, leaders, etc – it is demonic. Jesus Christ Himself anoints whomsoever He has chosen not human’s work – His disciples, Peter, John, Paul the Apostle, Stephen, etc were anointed by Jesus Himself not a human being.
A send Jesus Christ servant cannot anoint you with oil when physically with him but at the mention of the Name of Jesus, you will be healed, delivered, set free, saved, etc. (I’ll teach you about contact point to God’s Power).
If you have ever being anointed with oils, know because of ignorance and lack of knowledge you were initiated (covenanted) to darkness, you need deliverance
Run to Jesus Christ physically. See there is time to pray and time to run physically to Jesus Christ
It is at the mention of the Name of Jesus not by oils, soaps, ornaments and all instruments of witchcraft
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand