An Angel of the Lord appeared physically to me on 30th May 2015 in the morning and said, ‘vitu za watu zinazama’ – ‘people properties are sinking’.
Angel of the Lord Appears Physically and Says, ‘people properties are sinking’
An Angel of the Lord appeared physically to me and said,
‘Vitu za watu zinazama’ i.e. ‘people property are sinking’
Immediately the Holy Spirit brought to my mind the tsunami prophecy
The Angel of the Lord revealed many things (they are personal)
All through as we spoke he was standing looking at me
At one point as I gave him a message to take it to my master Jesus Christ
As I finished my first line of the message watching him standing listening to me
He vanished; where he was standing he was no more there
I expected the Angel of the Lord to join me and start appearing to me physically at a certain time and place in my ministry but not at this time
I am surprised
I am surprised also because it is the first time heaven has spoken to me in Swahili
Tsunami is on the way and people property will sink in waters
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand