
A woman must not lead. A woman was not created to lead but to respect and submit.
Leadership entitles being the head, assuming authority and taking the position of a leader.
In the scripture (Bible), in the kingdom of God, women do not lead.
1 Tim 2:12: And I do not permit a woman to teach, or to have authority over the men, but to be in silence
A Woman Must Not Lead – God Never Created Women to Lead
1. Head of a Woman is a Man
The head of a woman is a man – the head of a wife is her husband
1 Cor 11:3: But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God
Head means authority, leadership, position.
In and with God, headman-ship (leadership) flows in this order;
God (Father) → Son (Jesus Christ) → Man → Woman
Satan corrupts headman-ship in this order;
Satan → Woman → Man
The head of a man is Jesus Christ while the head of a woman is a man.
A woman is not the head of a man and thus a woman cannot lead a man. Same manner a man cannot lead Jesus Christ because a man is not the head of Christ.
Man came from God while woman came from man (1 Cor 11:8). Therefore a woman cannot lead a man or women lead men.
Who came first between a man and a woman? A man – Adam was first not Eve.
Eve could not lead Adam and so a woman cannot lead a man – a wife cannot lead her husband
Man was not created for woman but woman for man (1 Cor 11:9). What is created for you does not lead or have authority over you – A woman cannot lead a man in the same manner a man cannot lead Christ
Cover is authority. A woman needs a covering and the covering is either; if married her husband, if not married her parents – parents are the head of their children. But when a woman gets married, the authority goes to her husband.
It is for this reason that God does not use a woman who is not under a covering. Reason a God prophetess is either married, under her parents or a widow and that is a rule to every woman called to be used by God for the gospel – because a woman must be under a man, respecting and submitting; she does not stand alone.
2. Man shall rule over woman (Gen 3:16)
God gave a command to woman in Genesis (creation)
Gen 3:16: Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over you.
It is God’s command and order that a man shall rule over a woman.
Satan fights God’s commands and distorts creation order.
It is Satan who raises women to lead and rule over men. It is Satan who raises wives to rule over their husbands.
Every woman fighting for leadership, to rule over a man is a Satan – remember Satan is in people.
Every woman who does not submit and respect her husband is a Satan – a vessel in Satan use
God blessings and WILL flows in the same order of headman-ship; from God (Father) to Son (Jesus Christ) to Man to Woman – all God blessings flow to a woman under submission.
Every woman claiming to be blessed by God and she is not submitting and respecting her man, the blessings are not from God – Satan also gives.
You want to test God with tithe, but you not want to test God with respect and submitting to your man? Why do you not want to test God by seeking the kingdom of God for all to be added unto you because seeking it includes respecting and submitting to your husband?
One of the powerful roles of a woman in her submissive state is interceding. A woman intercedes for her man.
Every man whose wife knows respect, submission and power of interceding for her man, she is so much blessed by God – because God pours every blessing through that man to her.
If a man is blessed, it is the woman who is blessed. If a husband is blessed, the wife is blessed because all the blessings trickle to her.
A wise woman intercedes for her man in respect and submission but a foolish woman disrespects and does not submit to her man
What are the fruits of a woman in leadership?
A good tree produces good fruits while a bad tree produces bad fruits. A woman in leadership is a bad tree. What are the fruits?
1. A woman in leadership is a Satan
A woman who fights, disrespects and does not submit to a man’s leadership is a Satan – she is a vessel of Satan.
A wife who disrespects and does not submit to her husband is a Satan.
Leadership position is a position of warfare. God never created women for war neither in the past to today and forever will He send women to war.
A woman who rises to leadership takes a warfare position and cannot stand in a war – Satan takes ground in such a woman very fast.
Remember Adam was the head/covering of Eve. When Satan found Eve with no Adam (head), he struck very fast.
A woman must be under a man’s covering for angels (1 Cor 11:10) and warfare. Woman’s wars must be engaged under respect and submission of a man – man is the covering for a woman; husband covering of wife.
When a wife denies the leadership of her husband, she is denying God’s Leadership and order accepting Satan and Satan takes her over.
When a woman rises to lead, Satan takes her over
2. Sexual immorality
Satan covenants are made and sealed with either blood or sex.
The fast thing Satan does when a man or woman rebels God and His ways is to have sex with the man or woman – to sign a covenant. Satan comes in form of another man not your husband or another woman not your wife.
Blood covenants are done in higher levels of worshiping Satan.
Since women leadership is not of God but of Satan;
Show me a woman ruling over men and I will show you a sexual immoral woman
Show me a wife who is not respecting and submitting to her husband and I will show you a sexual immoral wife – she has fell to sexual immorality, she is in it or will fall to it.
A woman ruling over a man or a wife disrespecting and not submitting to her husband cannot escape Satan sex because she has no covering
Sex is one way Satan transmits demons. This demons keeps a person under Satan control – it is bondage and captivity
A woman ruling over men or a wife not respecting and submitting to her husband will live in sexual immorality until the day she chooses to leave Satan and his way, go back to respecting and submitting to her man and God will deliver her.
Satan sex starts with demons having sex with you in dreams. As you dream of sex, in reality demons are having sex with you.
Every woman ruling over men and every wife disrespecting and not submitting to her husband is having sex with demons at night
Where a woman rules/leads, sexual immorality and wickedness thrives even in this buildings you call churches
3. Dysfunctional families
In a family where the wife is not respecting and submitting her husband, that house is full of arguments, fights, complains, abuses, etc – it is a dysfunctional family.
Why do fights and arguments between a husband and wife arise?
Because the wife is raising to be a man (head) – she is disrespecting and not submitting to her husband.
A man is naturally a head, a God given role, therefore when another head rises in a family where the man leads, there will be a fight – it is a fight between God and Satan; man respecting God and the woman representing Satan.
The head of a man is Christ thus a man cannot argue and fight Jesus Christ. In the same manner, the head of a woman is man thus a woman cannot fight and argue a man.
When you see a man fighting Jesus Christ, that is Satan. When you see a woman arguing and fighting a man, that is a Satan. When you see a wife arguing and fighting her husband, that is a Satan (Satan in her; using her).
You saw women rise to fight me and I called them Jezebels. Now you understand why. Every woman who raises to fight a man is a demon, Satan, a Jezebel.
God does not raise a woman to fight a man but a man to fight a man.
Dysfunctional family is also generational curse. First thing when helping people with dysfunctional family is to look at each one’s family lineage and see if the family lineage has a dysfunctional family curse.
A man can allocate certain duties to her woman. Remember she is a helper. Example;
If a man has a company or runs a business, he can assign a role to her woman but remember it’s the husband who leads the company or business.
Women leadership is of Satan and it is Satan who raises women to lead. It is Satan who raise a women to disrespect and not submit to a man – Satan raises a wife to disrespect and not submit to her husband.
If you see a man/men raising a woman to lead, that man is a Satan – Satan is in that man.
In USA elections 2016, we had a man and a woman contesting for leadership. Who rose the woman to contest for leadership? Satan because God did not create women to lead.
It is for this reason that every Satan servant, all his false prophets and every servant who has fallen prophesied of a woman president in USA (Satan prophesies) – Satan was raising a woman to lead which is against God and the scripture and he used his servants to prophesy it.
Since creation all through entire history of Israel and the church, God never raised or chose a woman to lead and He will never forever.
If a man cannot submit and respect Jesus Christ that man cannot submit to God (father), that man is in Satan – a Satanist
If a woman cannot respect and submit to a man, that woman cannot submit to Jesus Christ, that woman is in Satan – a Satanist
If a wife cannot respect and submit to her husband, that woman cannot submit to Jesus Christ thus she is in Satan – a Satanist
You women/wives who cannot submit to men/your husbands stop lying to yourselves that you are in Jesus Christ – you are in Satan.
Romans 13 speaks of every soul to be subject to authority. The first authority a woman has is of man – the first authority a wife has is her husband. If you resist authority, you are damning yourself – sending yourself to hell.
Rom 13:2: Whosoever therefore resists the authority, resists the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation
Jesus Christ is not with/in, does not use or speak to a rebellious woman/wife ruling over men or not respecting and submitting to her husband
If a woman ruling over men, a wife disrespecting and not submitting to her husband tells you Jesus is speaking to her, with/in her, Flee – it is Satan speaking and in her
Women empowerment is satanic. Why do you not empower the Man? Because you want to empower women to rule over men
A woman must not lead because that is the way it is with God and in the scripture
Wives submit and respect your husbands – it is a command not a request
No women ruling over men, wife disrespecting and not submitting to her husband will see the kingdom of heaven – heaven is a place of submission; submitting to authority.
If a woman cannot submit to a man, a wife to her husband, she cannot submit to Jesus Christ – she is a hell vessel
When a woman disrespect and submits not to a man, its denying God and Satan comes fast to rule her
Women may be called to certain ministries/callings but remember submission and respect to your man is the key to success in Jesus Christ – otherwise Satan will have you
Women ruling over men, wives disrespecting and not submitting to their husbands is not Jesus Christ way, the narrow road to life but the wide way to destruction.
1Cor 14:34-35, 37-338: Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under submission, as also said in the law. And if they will learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church. If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord. But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant.
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand