These are the things I saw in a walk with God inside Satan kingdom in Kenya on 8th November 2015. I saw Satan agents, worshipers, their secrets and work.
A Walk with God inside Satan Kingdom in Kenya
These words were said to me,
‘The time you sin you open the door to devil’
Then I saw Satan agents and worshipers in Kenya meeting in one of the big halls in the country
God took me inside to listen
The hall was full to capacity – majority were young people
I saw many I know inside the hall (I am not to reveal)
I saw how the devil lies bring many people to his kingdom
And through fear and threats he keeps them in his kingdom
He tells his followers that if you go against him, this and that will happen to you or even die
I saw how the agents and worshipers initiate people
I heard them testify how they take people to their schools, hospitals and churches
Yes! Satan has schools, hospitals and churches in Kenya
A chart written all schools in Kenya under the Satan was produced
In the chart, all schools started with the abbreviation ‘ASC’ (needs wisdom)
The schools are all over Kenya
Satan agents and worshipers are not afraid of the Bible – they read it, but they misinterpreted and corrupt it
Remember even Satan quoted the Bible when tempting Jesus
These Satan agents are in churches and some of them own churches
They read the Bible to their blind followers but they misinterpret it giving a message not in the Bible – not Godly
Then I saw their books which they use to initiate people
They have books covering all areas including novels and Christian books – but the Christian books are corrupted misinterpreting the Bible
When a person reads these books, they start being initiated into the kingdom of darkness
Then I saw the churches they have acquired and built
All are after blessings and prosperity gospel consisting
One of the big church is in Nairobi Kenya and was named
The church is characterized by prosperity gospel, boasting, showing off, after fashion and newest trends and always in the media – you all know the church
The Satan agent in the church, who is part of the church clergy, was called to testify to other Satan agents and worshipers
And many like churches in Kenya serving Satan were revealed
Through prosperity gospel, boasting, showing off, they draw many into them; into Satan kingdom – it is Satan agenda
And I saw all people after prosperity falling to devil trap and being initiated into his kingdom
Satan agents and his worshipers are given Biblical names. One agent by the name ‘Abraham …’ (other names sealed) was revealed
Then I saw a board writing to the agents saying, ‘Free from drugs’
And I saw how Satan demons hold people into bondage even his agents and worshipers
They control and manipulate them like puppets with fear and threats
And I saw agents and worshipers being called to testify of their work to Satan
Then God took me outside the hall
I saw one Satan agent from afar initiating a person into the dark kingdom
Immediately fire came from inside me
I watched as the fire traveled in space glowing and glowing
The fire knocked down the Satan agent and glowed so brightly that I could not look at it – so bright for my eyes
As the fire vanished, the agent was down on the ground as though dead – powerless
And the soul being initiated was saved
Stop running seeking blessings and prosperity
Seek Jesus Christ neither with mind of blessings nor prosperity
Many churches and people are secretly serving Satan – knowingly or unknowingly
Wake up
The Blood of Jesus Christ cancels Satan works and destroys them all
Even if you have signed a covenant with Satan with your own blood, Jesus Christ will cancel the covenant with His own blood
Come to Jesus Christ
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand