A relationship is worthy more than prayers fasting tithes and offerings. A personal relationship with Jesus Christ is all what Jesus wants and died for not your works towards God.
A Relationship is Worth More than Prayers Fasting Tithes and Offerings
If a person prays/begs you to give him/her $10,000, what is the first thing you look for? A relationship – is there any kind of relationship between you and the person?
Same principle applies with Jesus, with heaven. When you go to Jesus praying fasting asking, the first thing Jesus looks at is if He and you have a relationship – a perfect relationship.
Because receiving anything from heaven does not depend on our prayers fasting tithing offerings sacrifices our works but it all depends on our personal relationship with Jesus Christ
In religion and the world, they think that it depends on their prayers works and trying to please God, but to us in Jesus Christ, receiving anything from heaven depends on His Grace, finished work of the Cross, thus our personal relationship with Him not our works towards Him.
Reason Jesus said,
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you (Mt 6:33)
Its not by praying fasting sacrificing offering tithing our works towards God but by seeking Jesus Christ – The King of the Kingdom of God is Jesus, His Righteousness is Jesus Christ Himself. See righteousness is a robe of Jesus Christ
Above verse does not say pray fast tithe offer etc, but says seek Jesus Christ – it’s not a mistake. A man can do all these works but not be seeking Jesus Christ. Example; today people fast pray tithe offer etc to be blessed but not for a relationship with Jesus.
A man can do anything to have things of you but not to have a relationship with you. You have seen people in your own life who want your things but not you, not a relationship with you.
Most of the people who do these works; fasting tithing, offerings, sacrifices, charitable deeds, etc, want things of Jesus but not Jesus Himself. They want His healing miracles wonders blessings salvation etc but they do not want Him, they do not want a relationship with Him.
Remember, the Pharisees could do all these things but they had no personal relationship with Jesus. And so the world and religious people do all these things without a personal individual relationship with Jesus.
A person without a relationship with you only comes to you when in need but a person with a relationship with you is with you whether in need or not, in happy times in sad times, in season out of season, mourning or rejoicing, etc. Do you only go to Jesus when in need, in troubles?
In today’s world you are told/taught that its all about prayers fasting tithing offerings sacrifices offerings etc, it’s a lie – it’s all about having a perfect personal relationship with Jesus Christ
Truth is people who tell you/teach these things, they work hard, do abominable things to get them then claim its blessings – its not what they claim
Truth is many people who tell you its all about tithes prayers fasting offerings etc are suffering because they are tormented by demons in areas they are ignorant of because ‘all is not added unto them’. Example; you will hear a person say I have tithed and received, I have fasted and received, yet search a person is being killed by a disease.
God cannot give you worldly things, bless you and not give you good health. Blessings of God adds/has no sorrows. Blessings of God takes away all your problems and worries.
World prays and fasts, so do the religious (pharisees), but what is the difference between them and the Bride of Christ Jesus?
The Bride of Christ Jesus has a perfect personal individual relationship with Jesus Christ while the world and the religious do not.
Now you know why people pray pray tithe tithe fast fast etc but perish doing these things thinking in them is salvation deliverance blessings healings etc – because its not about these things but a relationship
If you are truly of Jesus Christ, truly have a perfect personal relationship with Him, God knows your needs even before you ask for them (Mt 6:8) and He takes care of them even without you ask. Did you even ask God to breathe this morning, yet He provided that without you asking?
In a perfect personal relationship with Jesus, Jesus takes care of all our needs automatically for it is His responsibility.
Religion depends on works of men towards God but to us its all about a personal relationship with Him Jesus hence Jesus working through us
Are you pursuing a relationship with Jesus or you are pursuing His things?
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand