A prophet not only predicts the future but reveals Jesus Christ in power. A prophet not only prophesies but reveals power of the Kingdom of God in signs miracles and wonders.
A Jesus Christ prophet not only predicts the future but preaches the gospel of the Kingdom with power; healing all kinds of diseases and sicknesses, afflictions and torments and casting out demons.
The kingdom of God is not in word but in power and a prophet does not walk with a gift (gift of prophecy) but power. See difference between a prophet and the gift of prophecy
Let’s see this fact in the Bible.
A Prophet Not Only Predicts the Future But Reveals Jesus Christ in Power
1. Moses
Moses was a prophet. Moses not only prophesied but revealed Christ Jesus in power – signs miracles and wonders accompanied Moses.
Through Moses plagues were seeing in Egypt
Through Moses Red Sea parted and all Pharaoh Chariots perished
Through Moses Manna came from heaven
Through Moses water came from a rock
Through Moses earth opened its mouth and swallowed Korah and his company down to hell
There are so many miracles signs and wonders that accompanied Moses revealing God’s Kingdom – a kingdom of power.
2. Elijah
Elijah not only predicted the future but revealed the kingdom of God in power
We see an angel bringing Elijah food. We also see a raven bringing him meat. How can a raven that loves meat so much bring you meat? – A revelation of God kingdom
Through Elijah fire come from heaven during the contest at Mt Carmel
Through Elijah fire come from heaven and consumed people
Through Elijah oil and flour of the widow did not get depleted until the drought passed
Elijah alone killed 450 prophets of Baal. How can a person alone kill so many – it is the revelation of God in power
Through Elijah, the dead resurrected
Elijah not only predicted the future but revealed Jesus Christ in power
3. Elisha
Through Elisha, Bear come and killed all boys who mocked him
Through Elisha, the barren conceived
Through Elisha, the dead were brought to life
Through Elisha, leprosy was healed
All prophets in the scripture (Bible) not only prophesied but revealed God’s power, power of the Kingdom of heaven in miracles signs and wonders.
Jesus preached casting out demons, healing all kinds of diseases and sicknesses, torments and afflictions and sends His servants to preach His gospel in the same manner – accompanied by signs miracles and wonders (Mk 16:15-20).
You cannot be a Jesus Christ prophet and you work be only to prophesy, predict the future, not preaching the gospel accompanied by signs miracles and wonders.
Jesus asked me a question, ‘if signs miracles and wonders are not following you, whose fault is it?’
Who are these calling themselves prophets only foretelling the future, prophesying, with no signs miracles and wonders – not revealing Jesus Christ and His kingdom in power?
They are either;
1. Not called and not send
There is a difference between being called and being send to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ (see next teaching). Calling comes first then sending later.
Jesus called his disciples at the start of His ministry but took about 3 ½ years for them to be send to preach the gospel.
Moses knew of His calling when in Pharaohs palace but it took more than 40 years for him to be send
It is in the sending when a person is clothed with power not in the calling. Clothing with power is for service. Clothing with power is the coming upon or baptism with fire and it is this power that works out signs miracles and wonders.
A person can be called but not yet send to preach the gospel.
If you are only called but not yet send, miracles signs and wonders cannot accompany you. It is only the called and send who are accompanied by signs miracles and wonders.
There are people who have called themselves to preach the gospel, others have been called by fellow humans. There are people who have called themselves prophets and others have been made prophets by fellow humans (scoffers) – Jesus Christ power, miracles signs and wonders cannot accompany them.
If Jesus Christ has not called you, it is Satan who has called you. Yes! Satan calls people to preach a false gospel.
There is another group of people called but not send to preach the gospel – Jesus Christ power, miracles signs and wonders cannot accompany them if they go out to preach without being send though called.
If Jesus Christ has called you but not send you and you have gone out preaching the gospel, it is Satan who has send you
Every person not called and send by Jesus Christ to preach His gospel operates by spirit of divination and witchcraft (I’ll teach the different between the spirit of divination and God prophecy later).
Many I see calling themselves prophets foretelling the future have the spirit of divination and operating through witchcraft. Spirit of divination and witchcraft will never lead a person to Jesus Christ.
Every person not called and send but preaching the gospel will perish – go to hell
Satan is always looking for those called but not send preaching the gospel to destroy them. Because they lack power, not yet clothed with power, they are all destroyed by Satan.
Reason it is written, many are called but few chosen (Mt 22:14). Yes! Many are called to preach the gospel but Satan destroys many thus few make it to preaching it with power.
If you are not yet send to preach the gospel, continuing staying in close doors with Jesus Christ, in the molding process, for at the right time He will cloth you with power like the disciples and signs miracles and wonders will accompany you otherwise Satan will destroy you.
2. Gift of prophecy
Gift of prophecy does not make you a prophet. Some people with the gift of prophecy are calling themselves prophets – a very big grave mistake.
Majority of Bride of Christ dreams dreams and sees visions but they are not prophets. Even Apostles, evangelists, pastors, teachers, healers, deliverers, all have gift of prophecy but they are not prophets.
And there are 4 realms of prophecy. See the 4 prophetic realms.
Gifts of the Holy Spirit are a result of baptism with the Holy Spirit not baptism by fire. Gifts lack power which works miracles signs and wonders.
Prophets do not walk with gift of prophecy but power reason all God prophets are accompanied by signs miracles and wonders.
Since the gift of prophecy lacks power, it is so easy for Satan to destroy it or exchange it – He takes out the gift of prophecy and gives you the spirit of divination.
It is for this reason, the gift of prophecy and all gifts are only limited to the walls of the church because inside there, they are protected from Satan. See gift of prophecy vs a prophet
Many calling themselves prophets is because they have a gift of prophecy not power – a prophet has power not a gift of prophecy.
A prophet not only predicts the future but reveals Jesus Christ in power. A prophet not only prophesies but reveals the power of the Kingdom of God in signs miracles and wonders.
A prophet not only predicts the future but preaches the gospel with power; healing all kinds of diseases and sicknesses, afflictions and torments and casting our demons.
A prophet does not walk with gift of prophecy but power
Gift of prophecy does not make you a prophet
Jesus is Coming
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