A God prophet does not just predict the future but reveals God’s Will. He does not just say this and that will happen but he reveals God’s Will – why this and that will happen and the plan of God.
Amos 3:7: Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he reveals His secret unto His servants the prophets
God secret is His Will, plan and kingdom (kingdom of heaven)
Remember that not every person who prophesies is a prophet. See the 4 prophetic realms.
A prophet is a person in the office of the prophet not a person with the gift of prophecy or prophesying in an environment of the prophetic
Every God prophet in the Bible, did not just predict the future but revealed God’s Will.
Let’s see some examples in the Bible.
A God Prophet Does not Just Predict the Future But Reveals God Will
1. Moses
God did not only reveal the future to Moses but His Will.
There was to be a reason for the Children of Israel to come out of Egypt and God revealed that
Ex 3:18: And they shall hearken to your voice: and you shall come, you and the elders of Israel, unto the king of Egypt, and you shall say unto him, ‘The LORD God of the Hebrews has met with us: and now let us go, we beseech you, three days’ journey into the wilderness, that we may sacrifice to the LORD our God’.
Why was Israel going out of Egypt? To sacrifice to the Lord.
Israel journey into the wilderness was prophesied to be 3 days to sacrifice to the Lord – a prophecy.
A false prophet will only predict Israel coming out of Egypt without God’s Will, for what purpose, and if he has a will, it is a will against God’s will – Satan’s will
In the entire Moses prophesies, Moses did not just predict the future to the children of Israel and the world but he revealed God’s will.
2. Jeremiah
Jeremiah did not only predict the captivity of Israel in Babylon, but the reason Israel was to be in 70 years captivity in Babylon.
3. Jonah
Jonah did not just predict the judgment of Nineveh but the reason why Nineveh was to be judged.
Every God prophet in the Bible did not just predict the future but revealed God’s Will – answered the question why this and that will happen
Every prophecy of the scripture does not just predict the future but answers the question why; for what purpose.
- The great tribulation is not just predicted to happen, the main question is why and the Bible reveals that
- Rapture is not just predicted to happen, the main question is why and the Bible reveals that
- Israel is not just to entire into wars, the main question is why and the Bible reveals that
- Armageddon battle is not just predicted to happen, the main question is why and the Bible reveals that
The answer to the question why (why this and that must happen) reveals the Will of God.
A God prophet does not only predict the future but answers the question why? In answering why, he reveals the Will of God.
A God prophet will not just predict who will be the president of that and that nation, but he will reveal why is that person to be the president – what God will do through that person – what God will achieve through that person
A God prophet will not just predict that you will be blessed but he will tell you why you will be blessed and what the purpose/use of those blessings is.
God does not give things for no purpose. He does not give blessings and riches for people to show-off and brag.
Every person bragging and showing off with things, those things are not from God.
A God prophet will not just predict why God will give you a car, but he will tell you why you will be given a car and for what purpose – what use. Even Satan can give you a car to kill you in it.
One of the ways to know false prophets in their satanic ways is in the Will.
A true Bride of Christ knows God’s will for his/her life and for the church – you know why you are created and your future according to God.
If you do not know why God created you and His plan for your life – repent your ways, go back to God and ask Him.
God does not create a person just to live on earth and make money
When a person comes to prophesy against the will of God in your life, that person is a false prophet – a Satan
A Bride of Christ knows time – the time for God to give him/her this and that, time to move to this, time to leave this and that, etc. If a person prophesies to you against God given timings in your life that is a false prophet.
Example; If God told you that after 5 years He will give you a house then a person comes to prophesy to you that next year you will have a house, that is a false prophet and if you get a house next year it will be from Satan not God.
The difference between a God prophet and witchcraft is this; a God prophet will reveal the future and lead you to Jesus Christ but a witch will give you the future and lead you to Satan.
Every false prophet is a witch, in witchcraft like Balaam
Remember that when a person with gift of prophecy prophesies outside the church borders to unbelievers and the world, that person is in witchcraft – a witch
When God is revealing to His prophet about a secret, He reveals His Will and plan – He does not just predict the future.
A prophecy which does not reveal the will of God and His plan is not from Him but divination from Satan.
A prophet who does not reveal God’s Will but just predicts the future is a false prophet
And a will which is not in line with God’s Will is of/from Satan
If a person predicts the future without revealing God’s Will, that is witchcraft.
And if the will is not in accordance with God’s will, it is witchcraft.
A God prophet does not just predict the future, he reveals God’s Will.
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