A protestant heresy today is making the congregation of believers become the church. A congregation of believers is not a church and a church is not a house, tent or place.
See protestant heresies today 2: making houses become churches and what is a church
A congregation of believers is not a church
Believe is to accept (something) as true; feel sure of the truth; have confidence in the truth
Believe and faith goes hand in hand. Your degree of believe is depended on your degree of faith.
There are 3 levels of faith;
- No faith (faithless)
- Little faith (doubters)
- Great faith
How much your faith is, is how much you believe in God. How less you have faith is how less you believe.
Every person who believes no matter his/her degree of faith is called a believer. The question is; what do you believe in?
There are 4 types of believers in God;
1. Believers with no faith
They believe that God is the Most High but they do not have faith in Him. They believe that with God everything is possible but they do not have faith in Him.
2. Believers with little faith
They believe that God is the Most High but they doubt. They believe Jesus Christ but they doubt. They believe what the Bible says but they doubt.
3. Believers with great faith
They believe that God is the Most High and they have confidence and trust in Him. They are spiritual men.
4. Believe but are against (fighting)
There is another group of believers who believe that God is the Most High but they fight Him. They are Satan, his servants and people he uses.
Satan believes that God is the Most High but he does not have faith in Him reason he fights Him to make himself like the Most High God and for this reason Satan was cast out of heaven.
Isa 14:14: I will be like the Most High.
If Satan does not believe that God is the Most High, he could not have said the above words.
Isa 14:15 Yet you shall be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
Even demons believe God but they fight Him
James 2:19: You believe that there is one God; You do well: the demons also believe – and tremble.
Satan, his servants and demons believe that God is the Most High but they do not have faith in Him reason they are fighting Him.
A believer in God (Jesus Christ) is not a Bride of Christ neither a church because even demons believe and they are not part of Jesus Christ Bride or the church.
In a congregation there are these 4 types of believers in God;
- Believers with great faith
- Believers with little faith
- Believers with no faith
- Those who believe but there to fight; Satan and his servants
When these 4 groups of believers come together, they become a congregation of believers but not a church. In the congregation there are believers with no faith, doubters, of great faith and those there to fight God.
When believers in great faith congregate, Satan and his servants also come in. You cannot call such a church. Satan, his servants and the people he uses are not part of the church.
A church is a person in whom the Holy Spirit dwells in. See what the church is. The Holy Spirit is not dwelling in every person; not all people are the church.
When Jesus was preaching, He used His words very carefully. Nowhere in the Bible do we see Him calling a congregation of believers a church because a congregation of believers is not a church.
In the Bible, a congregation of believers is called a congregation or a gathering not a church. This is not a mistake.
To God servants;
In a congregation of believers, there are these 4 groups of believers including Satan and his people and as a servant of God, you must preach to them all like Jesus did.
Jesus preached to those of great faith, to the doubters, to faithless and called Satan and his people brood of vipers. He spoke specifically to the 4 different groups of believers.
As a servant of God you must differentiate the 4 groups of believers in a congregation and preach to each one of them.
Encourage and give hope to those of great faith, grow the faith of doubters, bring the faithless to Jesus Christ and call Satan his servants and every person he is using brood of vipers including the Pharisees and Sadducees leading ‘churches’ (religion) today.
If you look carefully at my teachings, I do not mince my words to today Pharisees, Sadducees, Satan people and their gullible followers. I call them brood of vipers because it is who they are.
A congregation of believers is not a church. When people gather, they are not the church. A church is the person in whom the Holy Spirit dwells in.
Wake up brethren
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Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand