A house of cement sand stone and wood is not a church. A church building is not a church. Neither is a tent nor a place.
Bible does not use the word ‘church’ referring to a house or a building or a place where believers gather.
A church building is not a church
The house of the Lord, the temple, is the body of humans.
See what is a temple, body of humans is God temple and protestant heresies today 1: – Making houses of cement sand stones and wood for God to dwell in
God is a Spirit. When the Spirit of God (Holy Spirit) dwells inside a body of a person, that person becomes the church; a Bride of Christ.
See the 3 relationships of the Holy Spirit with humans
The dwelling in of the Holy Spirit in a person is what is called baptism with the Holy Spirit.
Remember Jesus Christ does not baptize with water but with the Holy Spirit and with fire.
Mt 3:11: I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but He who comes after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire
A church is a person in whom the Holy Spirit is dwelling in. When the Holy Spirit dwells inside you, you become the Bride of Christ. The Bride of Christ is the church and their bodies are the temples of God.
The kingdom of heaven differentiates humans in only 2 ways; is the Holy Spirit dwelling in you or no. See how to know if the kingdom of heaven is in a person
If the Holy Spirit is in you, you are under Jesus Christ, you are His Bride.
If the Holy Spirit is not dwelling in you, you are of the world
Heaven is not moved by your show-off of Christianity but by your faith
Protestant Heresies Today 2: – Houses Buildings Tents and Places becoming Churches
Protestants today have made houses of cement sand stone and wood with human hands and called them churches. It is a heresy.
Acts 7:47-49: But Solomon built Him a house. However, the most High does not dwell in temples made with hands, as the prophet says, Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstool: what house will build for Me? says the Lord: or what is the place of My rest?
A house, a place, a tent or a church building is not a church. A church is a person in whom the Holy Spirit is dwelling in.
When Jesus said,
That you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it (Mt 16:18)
Was the rock a dead rock and was the church a building or a house? No! It was a human being; Apostle Peter.
You build houses of stone cement and sand and say, ‘the gates of hell shall not prevail against our church’ yet the buildings cannot even stand against strong wind fire earthquake or a tsunami. A lost generation indeed!
There is only one church; the born-again living human beings and that is the only church God wants.
Jesus did not make a house and call it a church. Why are you doing it?
Jesus Christ does not send His servants to build/open up houses and call them churches. Who has send you to open that house you call a church?
In heaven, a person claiming to have served Jesus Christ in heaven will be asked what s/he did on earth. The person will say, ‘I build a church’. Then s/he will be told to show the church. He will point to a house of sand cement and wood on earth. You will be the biggest fool. Then s/he will be asked, ‘who send you to build?’
The mushrooming of houses in every corner of the street in the name of churches is not from the Lord but humans doing it for selfish gains. No person is send to build/open houses in name of a church.
Jesus did not go on the cross to die for a house/building of cement stones sand wood or a tent or a place.
Since the church is the Bride of Christ, and that He is the head of the church, do you think the houses/buildings are Christ’s bride, and is Jesus the head of that house/building? No!
Christ is the head of His people (living human beings), and they are the church.
Devil has given you a house with the title church and taught to believe it is church while it is not.
Thinking a church to be a building, house or a tent denies you the true identity Jesus Christ bought for you on the cross and this leads you not to worshiping God in truth and in spirit.
When you hear today Protestants speak of church, they are referring to walled-houses.
A person will says, ‘let’s go to church’ referring to a house or building without waking up to reality that s/he is the church not that house/building/place.
The biggest degree of ignorance and hypocrisy is seeing protestants going to a building on Sunday and claiming they are going to the church without realizing that they are the church and the building, house or tent is not.
Every Bride of Christ must stand and say,
‘I am the church that building is not. I am the church that house is not. I am the church that tent is not. I am the church that place is not’.
A church is not a building, a house, a place or a tent
To worship God in truth and in spirit, you must become the church. You must not make a place, a house, a building, a tent, etc be the church.
Today, God does not dwell in a buildings or houses, He dwells in our bodies. We do not have to meet at a special building or enter a special house to worship God. A church building is not needed for us to meet or worship God, nor is it needed by the true Bride of Christ.
If you are the church, wherever you are anytime, you can worship God. You do not need a house, a building or a tent.
The temple in Jerusalem was the only temple God ever commanded. Church buildings, cathedrals, and such monuments made by humans are not wanted by God and are filthy in His sight, for the Most High does not dwell in houses and temples made with hands. He wants to dwell in you.
As you have seen in protestant heresies today 1: – making houses for God to dwell in, it is people who deny the Holy Spirit from dwelling in them who go to make outside houses in the name of churches and God houses.
The consequences of making a house with human hand and calling it a church are grievous. See some in protestant heresies today 1: – making houses for God to dwell in
Because God cannot be contained in a house, walls cannot be His church neither can they contain Him, His Spirit has departed from these church buildings and no power, no miracles signs and wonders are witnessed inside these church buildings. But outside these church buildings humanity is witnessing the power of the gospel through miracles signs and wonders.
See the kingdom of heaven is not in word but in power
To build these fancy beautiful houses, cathedrals, church buildings and idols, blind gullible followers are sucked and squeezed the last drop of their money yet the so-called churches do not share with the poor.
The religious system likes it this way; it likes people worshiping houses tents and places in the name of churches, for them to be able to control people. By installing fear of houses, buildings, place and tents in people they are able to control them.
Today protestants fear buildings, houses and tents in the name of churches; they do not fear God.
These church buildings are filthy in the eyes of God and like the temple was destroyed to get the eyes of people off the building, so will these buildings be destroyed.
I have seen these church buildings in Kenya burned, many destroyed and the brood of vipers called church leaders killed. God is getting humanity out of these walled-buildings to worship Him in truth and in spirit.
If you are not the church, if the church to you is a house, tent or place, you cannot worship God in truth and in spirit.
It’s time to worship God in truth and in spirit
I am the church. You are the church. That building house tent or place is not.
For you to be saved, for God to speak to you and direct you, you must become the church not making a house, a tent or a place the church
For the gospel to be followed by power, miracles signs and wonders, you must separate yourself and preach it like Jesus without opening walled houses and calling them churches.
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand
Protestant Heresies Today 3: – Church is Christ’s not of a human being
NB: – When referring to these buildings and houses called churches in this site, I do not call them the church but I use these words, ‘so-called churches’; because they are not the church.