Money is not a sign of blessing. In today churches and world, people with money riches and wealth are called ‘blessed’, people testify of money as blessing but the truth is money riches and wealth are not a sign of God’s blessings.
Money is Not a Sign of Blessing
Money is of the world, and the ruler of the world is Satan reason he was offering Jesus his kingdoms, which includes money
Mt 4:8-9 Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. ‘All this I will give you if you will bow down and worship me’
A person can have money, be worldly rich and prosperous without God
In the Bible, there are people who had money riches and wealth but not Godly. Example Esau, Ishmael, Pharaoh, Nebuchadnezzar, etc
If you look at kingdoms/nations not Godly from the past to today, they are worldly prosperous like Babylon Empire led by Nebuchadnezzar, the Greek Empire led by Alexander the great, the Roman Empire, etc to today’s kingdoms nations and governments
See the Beasts of Daniel and Revelation
The wicked have no God but they prosper, they have money, even the Bible testifies that
See the difference between sin, iniquity, transgression and wickedness
Nowhere in the Bible its written that money is blessing from God but it is written
Money is the root of all evil (1 Tim 6:10)
The more money you have, the more evil you may be, the more stressed, problems you may have, the more wicked you may become. Reason Jesus said,
Mt 19:23-24 Truly I tell you, it is difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God
When I was in the world, I used to pray and ask God to give me money (world people pray too), but God never allowed it. After coming to Jesus Christ, years later God answered me why He could not have given me money when I was still in the world – money could not only have killed me young, without fulfilling my assignment on earth, it could have completely shut me from God and it could be my ticket to hell.
God cannot give you what will take you to hell, what will take you from salvation, but Satan does exactly that. Satan uses money and worldly riches to get souls for hell.
If you want to totally destroy a person not truly in Jesus Christ, give them money
If you want to totally destroy an unmarried person, give them money
If you want to destroy a marriage or relationship not in Jesus Christ, give them or one of them money
And the devil knows this and he uses it to his advantage, for he has money – not only does he have money, he creates it
Money is able to take a person from God to the devil. Because of money Balaam, Judas Iscariot, Ananias and Sapphira etc, perished
Balaam prophesied what was not from God’s mouth because of money and so are today so-called prophets and prophetesses – give them money and they will prophesy whatsoever you want to hear – all money and blessings.
A servant of Jesus Christ can be bought by the devil with money – Judas Iscariot was and for all these years, I have seen and God has revealed to me His servants who have been bought with money by the devil knowingly and unknowingly
If you see a human being running a ministry or church with big buildings, money, etc, it does not mean that the person or church or ministry is blessed
By His Grace Jesus revealed to me big ministries and so-called churches of the world today run by Satan Himself. See Vision of Satan inside a church. Satan has money therefore he gives them and they appear blessed before your eyes which is not and doctrines of the devil like prosperity gospel, is what they preach.
By their money and worldly riches and wealth, accompanied by prosperity doctrines, they draw you to Satan, to hell. See prosperity gospel leading millions to hell
When God created humans he never gave them money, when he created you, you came to this world without money – money is not a priority to God. In God, there is an order in blessing a human being with money, worldly riches and wealth.
Before God blessed Abraham with worldly riches, apart from Abraham’s faith in God, God made sure that Abraham was first married – with a wife. And so it was with Jacob and every person God blesses with money and worldly riches both Biblically and in this world.
Apart from your perfect relationship with God, marriage is a prerequisite for God’s blessing with money and worldly riches. A Godly marriage is a powerful tool that God uses to deliver and blessing you reason marriage is honorable (Heb 13:4)
And Satan knows this and makes sure that he gives money and worldly riches to the unmarried – that is destroying them completely. Reason I said, if you want to destroy an unmarried person, give them money and worldly riches.
Satan makes sure that the man, who is the leader of the family, does not have money, but instead gives it to the woman, thus the man becomes a slave to the woman while the woman the leader – this is against God’s order and it’s a marriage or family being destroyed by Satan.
Look carefully in a marriage with a spiritual husband or wife, this is the thing the spirits do in the marriage – they make the man of the house poor. It is against God for a man who is the provider of the family to be poor because both the woman and children have to depend on the man. See how to know you have a spiritual husband or wife.
God’s blessings of money and worldly riches to a woman flows through the husband for the husband is covering, authority, provider and leader of a woman. It is not Godly for a woman to have money, be rich and wealthy without a husband – it is Satan doing. Sarah had to be married to Abraham, so was Rebecca, Esther and every woman of God mentioned in the Bible for them to be blessed with wealth.
It’s only Satan who put’s marriages asunder, break families and tells people to divorce and separate for in doing so, he destroys humans. See cursed is every person who put a marriage asunder
Money is not a sign of blessings to a person. Then how do you know a person is blessed by God?
1. Fruits of the Holy Spirit
Fruits of the Holy Spirit are a sure sign that a person is blessed by God. Evaluate yourself if you have these fruits.
Gal 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control
2. Marriage and family
A Godly marriage and family is a sure sign of being blessed by God.
God cannot give you all money of this world but not give you a marriage and a family. Look in the Bible of all Godly people who had money and riches, they had a Godly marriage and a family.
3. Adds no Sorrows
See difference between God’s richess and Satan’s
How do you know a person preaching the gospel or called to preach it is blessed?
By the above mentioned sure signs plus Power.
A church or ministry with money is not a sign of God’s blessings but one led by Jesus Christ servant with Power; casting out demons, healing, delivering, etc is a sure sign of blessing.
As a Jesus Christ servant you do not need money but power, for that power creates the money you need (not want) according to His Will. In the same manner, if you have fruits of the Holy Spirit, it is a sure sign you have Jesus Christ and thus Jesus Christ will created the money you need (not want) in His Will.
Money is not a sign of God’s blessings
Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand