There is a very big difference between God’s riches and Satan’s. What many people claim to be God’s Riches/blessings are not but Satan’s.
Satan does not bless – he curses
John 10:10 the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy
God gives earthly riches and Satan gives too – remember he was giving Jesus the kingdoms of the world
Lk 4:5-6 Then the devil led Him up to a high place and showed Him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. ‘I will give You authority over all these kingdoms and all their glory’, he said. ‘For it has been relinquished to me, and I can give it to anyone I wish’
Satan is the ruler of the world (2Cor 4:4). The world was relinquished to him and he can give worldly riches to whosoever he wishes.
Therefore, what is the difference between God’s earthly riches and Satan’s?
Difference Between God’s Riches and Satan’s
1. Attained by Grace vs Attained by hard work
God’s riches/blessings are all by Grace – God Riches At Christ expense
The price for us to receive God’s blessings was paid on the Cross and Jesus confirmed it by saying ‘it is finished’ (John 19:30) – He finished paying the price once and for all
Reason you cannot bribe God (Deut 10:17) be it by fasting, sacrificing, tithing, good deeds, etc to receive anything from Him. It’s all by Grace, Faith in His Son Jesus Christ and obedience.
See claiming blessings a Satan doctrine
In the kingdom of darkness, the price is not paid thus you must pay it – it is of hard work and even though you work hard, remember you are under a liar.
No person in the world is wealthy because they worked hard – that is a lie of the enemy.
People today are working hard to be rich (wealthy) but in reality they are in curses and poverty as the devil blinds their eyes with things like loans, world education, worldly positions, titles, careers, employment, little things of the world and they become proud. See spirit of poverty
2. No sorrow vs adds Sorrows
God’s riches/blessings adds no sorrows (Prov 10:22).
God cannot give you earthly riches and not deliver and save you.
He cannot bless you and not heal all your diseases and sicknesses, cancer, tumors, fibroids, HIV/Aids, deliver you from affliction and torment, barrenness, etc.
He cannot bless you and be with a dysfunctional family, in divorce, separation, no marriage, etc.
God cannot bless you with earthly riches and leave you in curses. He cannot bless the soul and not also bless the spirit and the body.
Everything of the enemy (darkness) comes with curses.
The enemy will give you riches, money, houses, etc but in addition you will have diseases, cancers, tumors, barrenness, sicknesses, divorce, separation, no-marriages, addictions, spiritual husband and wife, spirit of lust, afflictions and torments.
Reason you see people today claiming blessings but curses are eating them to hell
Look carefully, Abraham was blessed by God and you never see curses be it diseases, sicknesses, broken marriage, etc with him.
Curses only came to Job when Satan touched him otherwise before and after, curses including diseases and sicknesses were not heard in him and his family.
Curses are a result of Satan in your life and you need deliverance in the Name of Jesus
3. Comes with Holy Spirit vs Comes with evil spirit
God cannot bless you with earthly riches and not bless you spiritually.
Every person blessed by God has Holy Spirit dwelling in him/her (baptized with the Holy Spirit). How do you know a person has the Holy Spirit? Look for the fruits of the Holy Spirit in the person.
Gal 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control
Speaking in tongues, charitable deeds, fasting, offering, sacrificing, praying, etc do not differentiate a Bride of Christ and those not because people of the devil do all these things too.
4. Leads you to seeking God the more vs leads you to seeking more blessings
When God does something to you including blessing you, what He has done creates a desire in you for you to seek more of God, His kingdom and His righteousness.
Abraham was blessed by God but Abraham spend His life sojourning looking for a city whose foundation, builder and maker is God
Heb 11:9-10 By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise: For he looked for a city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God.
Abraham was looking for heaven not more of riches and blessings.
When the enemy gives you, love of the world, desire is created in you for you to seek more riches/blessings, earthly blessings, world and its things not God.
Is it not written
Those who want to be rich, fall into temptation and become ensnared by many foolish and harmful desires that plunge them into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. By craving it, some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows (1 Tim 6:9-10)
Many people today are stealing, corrupting, killing, prostituting, etc then showing off claiming its God’s blessings – no it is Satan’s
Many people today are running after loans for quick riches, living by loans yet claiming with their mouths to be blessed – it is a lie. Loans are a curse.
If you want to know if a person blessings are from God or not, look careful and what that person is seeking in life.
See people want God blessings but not God
5. Contentment vs Discontentment
In God is contentment (1 Tim 6).
Everything of God creates contentment and desire for God while Satan things creates discontentment (dissatisfaction) in your heart and the desire for more of earthly things even those of others (coveting and stealing).
It is in Satan were you are always looking for greener pastures and eventually becoming a thief because you will never find them. Jesus Christ is the green pasture (Psalms 23, John 10) thus those in Him are not looking for greener pastures but Him.
6. Pride, bragging and show off is of Satan – God people leave a quiet life
Today you see people showing off there earthly possessions in the name of being blessed by God – that is not God’s doing.
I taught you how this is a device of Satan to draw people to prosperity gospel thus hell. See prosperity gospel leading millions to hell
God’s doings and blessings do not shout to be seeing and heard but Satan’s do.
It is for this reasons God’s miracles signs and wonders do not shout to be seeing and heard but Satan’s lies are noisy. And so it the difference between servants of Jesus Christ and servants of the enemy.
It is only people of the devil who do not mind their own business but out looking for arguments, fights, confrontations, who to abuse, persecute, rebuke, judge, etc. See mind your own business.
People of God live a quiet life (1 Thess 4:11).
People show off because they feel they have earned it in one way or another.
Everything of God is by Grace thus we feel we do not deserve them, not worthy, because it is not by our own effort or hard work thus we cannot brag or show off.
Everything you feel you deserve or have worked hard for, you will be proud, brag and show off including being stingy and that is the reason people of the enemy brag show off and are proud.
7. Everything of Satan creates selfishness in you. Everything of God creates love in you thus you look at who is in need to help – ministering to Jesus Christ by helping the needy.
(This list of differences in not exclusive – may the Holy Spirit guide you into all Truth John 16:13)
Not every person claiming to be blessed with earthly riches is God doings. Satan also gives worldly riches and God allows the wicked to prosper.
You need God for Him to open your eyes and see the source of a person’s riches/blessings
Know this – God does not build on a foundation of Satan neither does Satan build on a foundation of God.
In the manner you acquire/d your earthly riches speaks loud of whom you are, which kingdom you are of.
Pray, with faith and obedience in Jesus Christ that God alone be the one to bless and enrich you not the enemy. Whatever the enemy gives you, will destroy and kill you including your generation.
Jesus is coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand