People today want things of God but not God. They want things of the Kingdom of Heaven but not Heaven.
Mt 6:33: But seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you
‘His righteousness’ is Jesus Christ righteousness. Righteousness is a robe of Jesus Christ, in whom He cloths whosoever He wishes not by their deeds but by their faith.
For by faith Abraham was accounted as righteous (Rom 4:3, 22).
People Today Want Things of God but Not God
Everything of God is attached to Him – you cannot have things of God without you having Him, having a relationship with Him.
The children of Israel led by Moses were ‘the first church’ (Acts 7:38), a shadow of the ‘second church’, the Bride of Christ, moving through the wilderness (world) to the Promised Land heaven.
Everything of God to the children of Israel was depended on their faith and obedience to God. Reason though God had promised them a land flowing with milk and honey, because of their disobedience rebellion and lack of faith, many never saw it.
It’s evident that God promises are also depended on faith and obedience.
You see people today claiming God promises and blessings upon themselves but they lack faith and are rebellious to God laws, commands and His ways of life – because of this the children of Israel died in the wilderness without seeing the promised land.
Many people you hear claim God blessings and say God has promised me this and that are not with the promises because of disobedience and rebellion.
There is nothing the children of Israel did to deserve the doings of the Lord – it was by Grace. There is nothing you will do to deserve anything from God – it is all by Grace: God Riches and Christ Expense.
People today want to work for things of God, proof a point to God, through their deeds proof to God why they deserve this and that, etc – everything of God is by Grace through Faith in His Son Jesus Christ. On the Cross the price was paid for you to receive.
It’s for this reason that God (heaven) has become as a shop, a supermarket, a retail shop, where they can go buy whatsoever they want and walk their way – it is a Satan lie and device.
They think that with their money, offering, sacrifices, tithes, fasting, etc, they can buy things of God, of heaven – it is a lie
They think by their good deeds they can buy things of heaven – it is a lie
No matter how much you give your money, tithe, offer, fast, do good deeds, etc and you have no intimate relationship with God, it’s all in vain – it is like chasing after the wind.
For Abraham to be blessed and receive things of heaven, Abraham took years developing His relationship with God and seeking Him, and so is every person in the Bible.
Job’s riches were all because of his love for God, righteousness and seeking Him
You, you want things of God, of heaven but you do not want an intimate relationship with Him therefore you tithe, fast, sacrifice, offer, do good deeds, etc to receive from God – Satan is lying to you.
For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality and accepts no bribes (Deut 10:17)
God commands laws and everything of Him is for His children, the children of Israel and the Bride of Christ (people in a relationship with Him), not for the world. The problem is people of the world, people with no relationship with God, in disobedience and rebellion want His things therefore they try to buy bribe and proof to God they deserve them – you are chasing after wind.
Reason you see people tithing, fasting, doing good deeds, etc and because they are not in relationship with God but in disobedience and rebellion, what you see with them is curses.
God cannot bless you with worldly material (earthly things) but not heal, deliver, set you free and save you – Satan does
God cannot give you a car and not give you fuel for the car – Satan does
God cannot give you a house of loan or a house but no people to live in it – Satan does
God cannot give you riches of the world and not heal you of your diseases, sicknesses, cancer, tumors, fibroids, etc – Satan does
Remember God gives earthly riches and Satan gives too reason we see Satan giving Jesus the kingdoms of the world (Lk 4).
Everything of Satan is to kill and destroy you (John 10:10) while God riches adds no sorrows and neither earned by hard work, nor does hard work make a man rich (Prov 10:22) .
Reason you see people show-off cars even cars of loan claiming to be God blessings but few months down, the cars have killed them, their family members or friends.
Majority of the things people are claiming to be God’s blessings today are not. Because these people do not know the TRUTH (Jesus Christ) and cannot know Satan when he transforms himself to light (2 Cor 11:14), giving and speaking to them.
People today tell you to be philanthropic you will be rich – it is a lie, without a perfect relationship with Jesus Christ, you will be poor.
I have also seen people who come to God for Him to solve their problems but they do not want His way but their ways – you will perish in your problems/curses if you will not leave your ways and come to the ways of Life. Let self die in you for God to bless heal deliver and save you.
You cannot buy anything from God with your money, good deeds, tithes, offerings, sacrifices, fasting, etc but only by seeking God and His righteousness will all be added unto you
Whatsoever you do to God, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ without having an intimate relationship with Him is like chasing after the wind.
Build, develop an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ
People today want things of God but not God Himself. They want things of Heaven but not the heaven itself. They want the Promised Land but not God, the owner and whom leads them to the Promised Land. They want greener pastures but not God in whom are the greener pastures.
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand