There are 4 ways of preaching the gospel apart from pulpit preaching. When many people hear of preaching the gospel, they only thing that comes into their mind is pulpit preaching; being a prophet, teacher, apostle, leading a church, etc.
We are all send to preach the gospel to all the world (Mk 16:15) but not every person is send to stand in a pulpit preach or lead a gathering of believers
Let’s look at the 4 ways of preaching the gospel apart from pulpit preaching, in order and importance to the kingdom of heaven.
4 Ways of Preaching the Gospel Apart from Pulpit Preaching
1. Your life – your lifestyle
Your life and lifestyle speaks louder than your mouth – preaches louder than your mouth.
By the life and lifestyle you live on earth, a person will either want ‘your God’ or want nothing to do with ‘your god’. By the life and lifestyle you live, Jesus Christ will either be glorified or blasphemed.
Matthew 5:16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven
Titus 2:4-5: That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the Word of God be not blasphemed. Read entire Titus 2.
A holy godly life will draw people to Jesus Christ without you opening your mouth reason women are told that by submission they will draw their husbands to Christ Jesus
1 Peter 3:1-2 Likewise, you wives, be submissive to your own husbands, that if any obey not the Word, they also may without the word be won by the conduct of their wives while they behold your chaste conduct accompanied by fear
Women, stop preaching to your husbands not in Word and to you men likewise. By your submission and respect, you will draw your husband to Christ Jesus you women and by love (not romance) you men will draw your wives to Jesus Christ.
If you claim to be of Christ Jesus but your life and lifestyle is one of a gossip, abuser, rumormonger, faultfinder, persecutor of others, fights, arguments, not minding your own business, etc will people not blaspheme Jesus and run away from Him no matter how much you preach Him with your lips?
Can you claim to be of Christ Jesus but you are in clubs, discotheques, in world, etc and expect people to be drown to Him? No! They will blaspheme Him.
The first thing that Jesus does when you come to Him is to make you a new creature (2 Cor 5:17), thus he changes your life and lifestyle to give Him glory and draw many to Him without you opening your mouth.
Ask yourself, is your life and lifestyle your living witnessing Jesus Christ and drawing people to Him or its causing Jesus be blasphemed?
2. Supporting or facilitating the gospel through His servants
The second way of preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ is by supporting or facilitating the gospel through His servants.
When you facilitate the gospel of Jesus Christ by what God has given you, you are preaching the gospel more than your mouth can and more than you can do it yourself in your lifetime on earth.
When you’re supporting and facilitating a Jesus Christ servant preaching the gospel by your money and resources, through that servant you are preaching the gospel without you even opening your mouth.
This is one of the greatest way of laying treasure in heaven – supporting and facilitating the gospel of Jesus Christ through His servants. For this you have a great reward in heaven.
Every child of God is created for this main purpose but today many think God allows them to work, get jobs, employment, money, etc to enrich themselves, for show-off and bragging.
Let me reveal to you something God told me years ago;
He told me that every person whose desire is to support and facilitate the gospel and the person is doing it with all s/he can, He makes sure that such a person lacks nothing on earth because when the person lacks, His gospel lacks and He showed me several people and told me to go ask them their heart desire and see how He has poured earthly riches upon them. And I was astonished.
If your heart desire is to support and facilitate the gospel of Jesus Christ through His servants, and you are doing it holding nothing, God opens heaven and showers every earthly riches upon you for His gospel.
Tithing and offerings were meant for supporting and facilitating the gospel but if it’s your heart desire and you support and facilitate the gospel beyond tithing and offering, will God not open heaven and give you all earthly blessings? He will – He is faithful.
Many people come to preach the gospel because of money, earthly riches – to be wealthy. I tell you a truth, there is no earthly riches in preaching the gospel but earthly riches are in supporting and facilitating the gospel. God only gives His servants only what they need for the gospel but those supporting and facilitating it are given beyond what they need for the gospel; those who support and facilitate the gospel have more than the servants.
God has called many people for this specific assignment, enriched them but they are storing in barns for themselves – the result is hell. See a man in hell for not facilitating the gospel.
Do not go out facilitating every person calling him/herself of Jesus Christ preaching. Ask Jesus Christ to reveal to you His own for you to support and facilitate them, then see breakthrough, deliverance, success, riches and wonders in your life.
If you take yourself to a person God has not told you and you start supporting him/her in the name of supporting the gospel, it’s in vain (no blessings and riches) because not every person claiming to be of Jesus Christ is His.
Supporting and facilitating the gospel kicks out poverty out of your life and it is not for the selfish and stingy. Stinginess and selfishness equals poverty. See how to know you have spirit of poverty.
By supporting and facilitating the gospel you will preach the gospel all over the world more than you could with your mouth in your lifetime.
3. Ministering to Jesus by helping the needy
When your life and lifestyle is preaching and you are facilitating the gospel through a servant of Jesus Christ, ask God to lead you to the needy for you to minister to Him (Mt 25:33-46).
When you help the needy, you help Jesus Himself and that preaches Jesus Christ more than your mouth can.
But let Jesus lead you to the needy for if you lead yourself, you will fall into lies, conmen, etc and there is no reward in that.
Many people are poor, bond with spirit of poverty because of not supporting and facilitating the gospel of Jesus Christ and not ministering to Jesus Christ by helping the needy – they are selfish and stingy only living for themselves and because of this poverty celebrates in them.
4. Pulpit preaching
Pulpit preaching, leading a gathering, the church is only for the called and send to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and if in His will die for it. They are the leaders of Jesus Christ church and they include the apostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers, pastors, healers, deliverers, etc.
Remember many are called but few are chosen (Mt 22:14).
Jesus had many disciples (followers) but the chosen for the gospel were 10 men – and mark it; men not women. Not every disciple, follower or bride of Christ is chosen for preaching and teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ through his/her mouth and leading a congregation, gathering or people.
Do not take yourself to pulpit preaching, leading a gathering if Jesus Christ has not called chosen and send you, because instead of preaching the gospel to be a blessing to you, it will be a curse unto you.
There is this man I talked to privately in Facebook who told me he is preaching the gospel – pulpit preaching. I asked him if God send him. He avoided answering and when he did, he quoted the Bible verse where Jesus tells His disciples to go all into all the world and preach the gospel (Mk 16:15). I told him that was Jesus sending His 10 disciples not you – has He send you. The man never answered.
As this man was speaking to me, God spoke to me everything about this man which I went ahead to reveal (some) to him; THAT God has never send him to preach His gospel through pulpit preaching or leading a church, etc; THAT God send him to do business and through that business support and facilitate the gospel of Jesus Christ and THAT God has installed a desire of supporting and facilitating the gospel in his heart. And the man confirmed how this is true and how God was blessing him before when he was in business.
I never revealed the curses God revealed in him for preaching the gospel instead of being in business God blessings Him with resources to facilitate the gospel – one curse after this man was poverty though he is made to be wealthy for the gospel.
Whatsoever you do, whether it seems good or not but not in line with God’s Will upon you becomes a curse to you including preaching the gospel if you are not called chosen and send.
Reason you see many people out preaching Jesus but when you look at themselves and their life’s you see curses. Next post; you cannot preach what you do not have, you cannot give what you do not have – you cannot preach Jesus you do not have.
Every person send to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, 3 things are seeing in his ministry;
- The leader of the ministry – his life and lifestyle testifies of Jesus Christ and makes people give glory to God
- The ministry ministers to Jesus Christ by helping the needy starting with those inside the ministry
- The ministry points people to their specific assignment on earth – to do God’s Will upon. See you go to hell for not doing God’s Will
Ministries not of Jesus Christ are the opposite of above – the leader’s life and lifestyle is ungodly, the ministry is selfish and never helps the needy even those inside and if they do it is for show-off and bragging, and the ministry destroys people callings making sure that they will never do what God created them to do.
If you have read this, it means you are still alive on earth thus it’s not late – live a life and lifestyle thus testifies and preaches Jesus Christ, do not make Jesus to be blasphemed because of your life and lifestyle, ask Jesus for His servant and go support him with all your heart, and forget not to ask Jesus to direct you to the needy and watch as heaven opens its doors of riches upon you, and i will rejoice greatly when i meet you in heaven you being glories and rich for the great treasure you laid when on earth.
Jesus is coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand