A temple whom Jesus Christ is dwelling is holy inside and outside. A person whom Jesus Christ is dwelling is holy inside and outside otherwise a hypocrite.
There is a lie perpetuating by Satanists, hypocrites and world that God looks only at the heart of a human being. To them as long as they claim their hearts are right, the outside and their deeds do no matter – it is a Satan lie.
God does not look only at the inside, at our hearts. God is not only interested in our hearts but also our souls and body – everything about us
A Temple Whom Jesus Christ is Dwelling is Holy Inside and Outside
The Old Testament temple had 3 parts; Outer court, Holy Place and Holy of Holies
The New Covenant temple which is the body of a human being also has 3 parts; body, soul and spirit
1 Cor 6:19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit
See the body is the temple and God does not dwell in things made with human hands
The body is the outer court, the soul the Holy place and the spirit the Holy of Holies
The gospel of Jesus Christ imparts this 3 parts of the temple; body, soul and the spirit.
When Jesus Christ is truly dwelling in the Holy of Holies, His glory and presence emanates to the Holy place and to the outer court. Thus the Holy Place and the outer court are holy.
When Jesus Christ is truly dwelling in a person, His glory and presence will emanate to the person’s soul and to the body. Thus the body and the soul will be holy.
When Moses came from Mt Sinai, He was radiating God’s glory because God was dwelling mightly in his spirit raiding to His soul and body thus Moses face shone (Ex 34:29-30).
When a person allows Jesus Christ to fully take over his/her body (the temple), when a person gets deeper in Jesus Christ, that person’s body will radiate God’s glory – the body will shine like Moses face, because the body will take the countenance of God
When Jesus Christ is dwelling in the Holy of Holies, He will affect the soul and the body – His glory and countenance will radiate to the soul and to the body.
The outer court and the Holy place reveals who is dwelling in a temple. The soul and the body reveals who is dwelling in a person.
Merchandising in the outer court of the Old Covenant temple (John 2:16) revealed the filthiness in the Holy place and that Jesus Christ was not dwelling in the Holy of Holies.
Merchandising in a church or a person using Jesus Christ name for gain reveals the filthiness in a person’s soul and that Jesus Christ is not dwelling in them
God cannot dwell in a temple and the holy place and outer court be filthy. God cannot dwell in a person and the soul and body be filthy. When God is dwelling in a person, the person will be holy inside (soul) and outside (body).
As stated earlier, the gospel of Jesus Christ imparts both the soul and the body. How?
- Soul
Soul consists of the mind. It is in the mind where a man decides, thinks, imagines, etc.
Every sin starts in the mind – in the soul
Jesus Christ gospel casts down imaginations and brings every thought to the obedience of Christ
2 Cor 10:5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ
Gospel of Jesus Christ instructs us to set our mind on things above not on the earth
Set your mind on things above not things on the earth (Col 3:2)
Jesus Christ gospel imparts the soul of a person making it holy, pure and righteous.
- Body
Jesus Christ gospel crucifies the flesh with its passions and desires
Gal 5:24 those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires
Because Jesus Christ imparts the soul and the body, this means;
Jesus Christ cannot be dwelling in you, and your thoughts are evil and wicked – thoughts contrary to God’s Word
Jesus Christ cannot be dwelling in you and you are abusing, murmuring, gossiping, complaining, lying, cannot tame your tongue, lack self-control, full of hate, etc – It is Satan dwelling in you
Jesus Christ cannot be dwelling in you and what we see are works of flesh (Gal 5:19-21, Col 3); sexual immorality, envy, lust, jealousy, drunkardness, envy, show-off and boasting, etc – it is Satan dwelling in you
Jesus Christ cannot be dwelling in you and your body is a walking advertising (merchandising) billboard – it is Satan dwelling in you
Jesus Christ cannot be dwelling in you and your body is full of abominations e.g. women in men clothing, men in women clothing, carrying charms, etc – it is Satan dwelling in you
Jesus cannot be dwelling in you and your body is full of marks; tattoos, witchcraft marks, Satanism marks, cult marks, etc – it is Satan dwelling in you
I do not say those who have repented from tattoos and body marks get them out but that is a Satan foothold and doorway – for the rest of your life until death you will be in constant battle with Satan because he has a way in you.
Jesus cannot be dwelling in you and you dress like a prostitute – it is Satan dwelling in you
Jesus cannot be dwelling in you and the image of your body is of a demon not the way God created you – it is Satan dwelling in you.
As said in, women are not equal to men, if you want to see a demon, look at these woman with fake face, fake hairs, fake eyebrows, fake eyelashes, in men’s clothing, etc, that’s how demons look like. Demons are walking live on earth in this Last Days.
Jesus cannot be dwelling in you and your body is full of foreign gods (next study)
Your deeds and works cannot be evil and wicked yet say Jesus Christ is dwelling in you – it is Satan in you
When Jesus Christ is dwelling in a person, the soul and the body are holy otherwise it is a lie – it is Satan dwelling in that person.
A good tree cannot produce bad fruits neither can a bad tree produce good fruits (Mt 7:18)
If Jesus Christ is dwelling in you, the soul and the body will testify of His presence in you otherwise they will testify of Satan in you.
Many people preaching holiness and righteousness are preaching holiness and righteousness of the body not the soul and spirit. Outside they look holy but inside, what comes from in them is poison – filthy. These are they who dress holy but inside they are devils.
You cannot be holy and righteous in the body (outside) but not righteous in the soul (inside) – it is hypocrisy.
You cannot claim to be holy and righteous inside but the outside you testifies of Satan – it is hypocrisy.
Many claiming to be Jesus Christ Bride are hypocrites; claiming outside holiness but devils inside or claiming inside holiness but outside testifies Satan.
This righteousness and holiness of only the body (outside) leaving the soul (inside) or claiming to be holy inside but outside testifies of Satan is a doctrine of Satan.
2 Cor 11:14-15 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
They have transform themselves to ministers of righteousness but their righteousness is a lie – not Jesus Christ righteousness
A temple whom Jesus Christ is dwelling is holy inside and outside. Be holy in your souls, bodies and spirit not just outside leaving the inside or claiming inside holiness but outside we see Satan.
If you have just come to Jesus Christ, a baby in Christ, let him radiate to your soul and to your body – let him impart and change your soul (mind) and body.
Though many people accept Jesus Christ, they deny Him imparting their souls and body because they are not ready to lose all for Him – they deny His power. When this happens Jesus departs from that person and the person is left with a form of godliness but denying the power (2 Tim 3:1-9).
See why the Holy Spirit departs from a person
The verse ‘do not look at his appearance or stature … Lord Looks at the heart’ (Sam 16) has been twisted and taken out of contest for people to justify their evil wicked deeds and works. First the verse speaks of appearance and stature not works and deeds. Therefore, if the appearance and stature is good like what Samuel saw in Eliab, what about the inside – for Lord’s glory dwells in the inside emanating to the outside.
That verse has nothing to do with your evil works, deeds and wickedness you hypocrites.
A Bride of Christ is holy inside and outside – in the spirit soul and body.
The Holy Place and the Outer court reveals who is dwelling in the temple. The soul and the body reveals who is dwelling in a person; either Jesus Christ or Satan
Jesus Christ righteous and holiness is of the spirit, body and soul – it is a complete package for humanity.
Satan righteous and holiness is only of the body or soul – not complete package
If Jesus Christ is dwelling in you, the soul and the body will testify of His presence in you otherwise they will testify of Satan in you.
By looking at a person, you will know who is dwelling in that person
Even by looking at the people that person associates him/herself with, you will know who dwells in that person for Light has no fellowship with darkness.
By hearing a person speak, you will know who dwells in that person
Be careful with these people holy outside but filthy inside or claiming holy inside but outside testifies Satan – they are dangerous. Flee from them
They claim to know and have the TRUTH yet their life, ways and what comes in from them does not testify of the TRUTH – liars! Hypocrites!
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand