This is city of Mombasa wickedness and judgment prophecy as revealed to me in the early morning hours of 26th November 2016.
City of Mombasa Wickedness and Judgment Prophecy
I saw Likoni channel, a sacrificial altar
Weak filthy wrecked vessels are put in place to sacrifice humans
Did I see a vessel get stuck in the sea waters and all in it perish?
People die in the channel
I saw few rescuers who can only save a few
And I saw the waters of the sea take up the dead – those sacrificed in Likoni channel and other human sacrificial altars in the city of Mombasa and its coastal areas
Then I saw goons running the channel and all over the channel
They rob the innocent and commit many acts of wickedness
I saw men giving their wives to white rich men for money
I saw homosexuality rampant in the city of Mombasa and its coastal areas
And the outcry against sexual immorality of the city and its coastal areas is great before the Lord
I saw the sea waters stand before the Lord with the dead and all the wickedness it sees
Then I saw the sea roaring against the city of Mombasa and its coastal areas
I saw the sea waters against you city of Mombasa and your coastal areas
The outcry against you has grown great before the face of the Lord
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand