This is vision of a powerful Al-Shabaab killing KDF as Al-Shabaab take grounds as revealed to me on 23rd September 2015.
Visions of Al-Shabaab Killing KDF as Al-Shabaab take Grounds
I saw Al-Shabaab be powerful
I saw them with more powerful sophisticated weapons than KDF
They were in battle with KDF
KDF could not stand their presence
Many KDF personnel were killed
I saw Al-Shabaab with youthful armies compared to KDF
KDF was afraid of Al-Shabaab
I heard KDF leaders say, ‘their bullets have poison’
I saw Al-Shabaab brutally kill KDF leaders and armies
And KDF was drawn far away from Al-Shabaab
Al-Shabaab gained grounds
I saw Al-Shabaab take over a country’s entire Easter, south eastern and north eastern region
They made it their own territory
They took over hospitals and schools
The countries army could not stand their presence
I saw Al-Shabaab allow journalists to walk with them as the battle KDF and take more grounds
Do I see Al-Shabaab joining ISIS?
Do I see ISIS determined to make Kenya part of their territory?
And it was revealed to me that Al-Shabaab has killed many KDF officers
But the country leadership has being dishonest to its citizens
Not telling them the truth
Repent Repent Repent
Your captivity is at hand
You will run from your own countries and be refugees in a neighbor country
Repent for God to relent His wrath on you
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand