This is prophecy fulfillment as South Africa dominates news as I spoke as God led me when miners were killed on 25th September 2012
See signs of South Africa prophecy coming fulfillment
Prophecy Fulfillment: – South Africa Dominates News
When miners were killed in South Africa, I spoke as God led me and said,
‘The killing of miners in South Africa was just a sign of what is coming; a tip-of-the-iceberg. South Africa will dominate the news soon in trouble as the hand of God works wrath in the country’
South Africa as I write now on 22th April 2015 is dominating news with xenophobic killings.
News all over the world are about South Africa for her killing and chasing of foreigners.
Hashtags like #SayNoToXenophobia #NoToXenophobia #Xenophobia #NOAFRICANISAFOREIGNERINAFRICA are trending in social media
God words fulfilled
But this is not the end
If South Africans will not hearken to the voice of God and repent
I see more trouble coming to South Africa
I see South Africans dying in large numbers
I see blood flowing in the land of South Africa
I see South Africa dominating news all over the world more
South Africa South Africa South Africa
Hearken to the voice of God
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