We live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. The word ‘Proceeds’ is simple present tense not past tense.
Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God (Deut 8:3, Mt 4:4)
The past tense of the word ‘proceed’ is ‘proceeded’
‘Proceeds’ is simple present tense of the word ‘proceed’
(Some Bible versions use the word ‘comes’ but the original word is ‘proceeds’)
We Live By Every Word that ‘Proceeds’ – Simple Present Tense Not Past Tense
In the above mentioned verses (Deut 8:3 Mt 4:4), God did not make a mistake by using the word ‘proceeds’ neither did the scripture (Bible) writers make a mistake.
When Jesus was tempted by Satan, Satan took a verse from the Bible and said,
‘If you are the Son of Man, command that these stones become bread’ (Mt 4:3)
Whose mouth did the above word proceed from – God or Satan? Satan! Reason Jesus answered
‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God’ (Mt 4:4)
Satan takes Bible verses and speaks them out of his mouth.
We live not by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God, meaning that we live by every word that is presently (now) coming out of the mouth of God.
There are 3 categories of people in accordance to the verse;
- Those who live by bread alone
- Those who live not by bread alone but by every word that proceeded (past) out of the mouth of God
- Those who live not by bread alone but by every word that proceeds (present) out of the mouth of God
(This teaching is not of those who live by bread alone)
Majority of today so-called-Christians live by word that proceeded out of the mouth of God – they live by what God spoke in the past not what He is saying now. What does this mean?
This means that their ‘god’ spoke in the past but today he is silent or dead. That is not the True Living God Jesus Christ.
A dead person cannot speak so it is with dead ‘gods’. Because you are living, every day words are coming out of your mouth and so it is with God ‘I AM’ – every second minute He is speaking.
The question is; how do you know you have/are serving Jesus Christ? If He is speaking to you now (present). And because He is speaking every minute to us, we live by every word that proceeds out of His mouth.
The scripture (Bible) contains word that God spoke in the past. Its only when God takes His word from the scripture and He Himself speaks to you that you can live by it.
And if you look carefully, the word in the scripture was mostly spoken to others not to you. You cannot take what God spoke to others and speak it to yourself and live by it – you are a thief. Even Jacob and Isaac never spoke their father’s (Abraham) blessings to themselves.
See Incantation – speaking Bible verses to yourself is witchcraft (next)
Many people live by the scripture (Bible) without knowing that Bible contains word that proceeded (past) out of the mouth of God and that Bible only testifies of Him, Jesus Christ. This means you must go to the One Bible testifies of, Jesus Christ, for Him to speak presently to you for you to live.
Reason I taught you that Bible is dead, Jesus Christ is alive – He is risen.
Scripture (Bible) is a book to teach, rebuke, correct and train you in righteousness not to speak to you for it has no mouth
2 Tim 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness
Jesus Christ has mouth thus He speaks reason it is Him through the Holy Spirit to teach us the Bible not the Bible to teach itself to us as written
John 16:13 However, when the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. For He will not speak on His own, but He will speak what He hears, and He will declare to you what is to come. See clearly from this verse that Holy Spirit speaks.
If the Bible is the one that speaks to you, the Bible is your ‘god’. If Jesus Christ is the One who speaks to you, Jesus Christ is your God. If its money that speaks to you, money is your ‘god’. Who speaks to you?
When Jesus Christ speaks to you presently what is in the Bible and even beyond, because He is Life, you live. But if you take what is in the Bible, speak it to yourself, the Bible itself is dead (contains past) thus it cannot give you life but death. Many people are in hell because they thought Bible will give them life.
Many people calling themselves ‘Bride of Christ’ today are dead. A dead person is ‘past’, a living person is ‘present’ (now). Reason signs miracles and wonders are history, of the past not present with them.
What’s the difference between the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ and the Pharisees, elders, scribes, Sadducees?
Jesus disciples lived by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of Jesus every minute while the Pharisees, elders, scribes, Sadducees lived by scripture, scroll – words that proceeded (past) out of the mouth of God.
And that is the difference between religion and the Bride of Christ, between religious people and those who walk in the spirit.
When God speaks now to a religion person through His servant saying e.g., ‘you will die if you do not do this and that’, the religious runs to scripture quoting Bible verses then they die. Why?
Because they are living by the word that proceeded (past) to others out of the mouth of God not what God is saying now.
From the deliverance of the children of Israel in Egypt to the Promised Land, they lived by the word God was speaking through His servant Moses then Joshua.
If they did not live by every word coming out of the mouth of God, when Moses instructed them, they could have disobeyed and asked like today religious, ‘where is it written in the Bible’. When told to kill a lamb, take blood and put it on the doorposts and lintel they could have asked Moses, ‘where is it written in the scroll’
Living by word that proceeded (past) out of the mouth of God not by every word that proceeds (presently) is disobedience and rebellion; the result is death – hell.
Korah and his company chose not to live by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God and the earth opened and shallowed them alive to hell (Numbers 16). Look at entire Bible and see what happened to people who chose not to live by the word issued at that moment from the mouth of God like Saul, etc.
When the children of Israel needed water, God spoke a word at that moment and their thirst was quenched
When the Egyptians came after them, God spoke a word at that moment and delivered them from Egyptians forever
When they needed meat, God spoke a word at that moment and quails come to them
When they had no food, God spoke a word and manna was with them until they entered the Promised Land
In the words that proceeds (presently) out of the mouth of God is where your provision is for today. Many people lack provision today because they live by the word that proceeded (past) hear God not or other things speak to them like humans, education, etc.
Provision for the children of Israel was in the wilderness not Egypt. If the children of Israel obeyed not the voice of God to come out of Egypt, they could have perished in lack. If they could have chosen other ways to seek for their provision they could have perished in lack. Evaluate yourself.
In every situation of the children of Israel, God spoke a word at that moment and they lived. And so it is today, in every situation God is speaking a word out of His mouth for you to live. He only wants your obedience.
Not only in situations but God was giving direction to the children of Israel by word from His mouth. And so it is today, God is issuing direction to every person today out of His mouth but only few people hear His voice.
If the children of Israel did not obey the voice of God issuing direction each moment, what could have happened to them? They could not have reached the Promised Land. Many people will not inherit heaven because they are disobedience to every word coming out of the mouth of God giving them direction now.
Many people today, their direction is given by money, friends, relatives, world, world education, search for bread, desires and lusts of world but not by God. Many people jobs and so called ‘careers’ are a result of world education not God but they claim it is God which is a lie! Did God speak a word from His mouth for you to go for that job or career?
Before God came to me, I lived life like many people today – after jobs, money, world education, businesses, etc. When I met Jesus Christ, I realized though these things appear good in the eyes of men they were not from God to me and not God’s Will for my life. If I could have died then, I could be in hell today.
When I met Jesus Christ, He spoke a word, I left everything, obeyed His voice and followed Him and today I live by the word that proceeds out of the mouth of God to me not by what I think, want, what seems good or what the world dictates. Back then I really lacked, was not content and stingy but now I never lack, with extra to help the needy and am content.
And God has taught me never to do anything because it seems good or I have thought of it without me hearing His word. If I ask you, you will tell me doing business is good but is that the Will of God for your life. If you do business and it is not God’s Will, you will be in hell. Many people are doing will of the world, people not the Will of God and the result is hell.
I will teach you about thoughts of a human and why you are not supposed to go by them but wait for the Word of God to you (later).
Tell Jesus Christ to speak a word now on your life, disease and sickness, your situation, breakthrough, provision, family, etc and obey
Walking in the spirit is living by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand