Why was the second temple destroyed? This is a question many people neither mediate upon nor think of.
Everything that happens on earth or to a person has spiritual implications. Many people do not care what things mean spiritually and what God is saying through occurrences. Many things happen to them without understanding why? They call them lack or accident. Spiritually, there is nothing called luck or accident – everything happens for a reason; for a purpose.
There was the first temple then the second. See third temple prophecy
Because of Israel disobedience – because of their rebellion unto the Lord, the first temple was destroyed for the 70 years captivity of Israel as prophesied by Jeremiah
Israel was carried into captivity by the Babylonians in 586 BC. It is when the Babylonians destroyed the first temple built by Solomon – it was because of Israel disobedience/rebellion
The second temple was built but destroyed in 70 AD when Romans annihilated Israel and Israel ceased to be a sovereign nation. Why was the second temple destroyed?
Why Second Temple was Destroyed for Church-Age
The second temple was destroyed for church-age. Church-age began with Jesus on the cross and ends with rapture – it began on the Passover of 32 AD and ends with the rapture. See ‘I was on the cross on 32 AD’ Jesus said unto me.
The question is; why does the church not need a temple (a man-made temple)?
Why the Church needs no temple
The church does not need a man-made temple neither does God. God does not dwell in temples built with human hands.
Acts 7:48: However the Most High dwells not in temples made with hands
Acts 17:24: God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwells not in temples made with hands
Buildings, houses, tents, etc are temples build with human hands and God does not dwell in them neither is He in them
Though in the Old Testament we see temples build with human hands for God to dwell in, He dwell not in them – heaven is His throne
Acts 7:49: Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstool: what house will you build me? says the Lord: or what is the place of my rest?
The only temple God dwells in is our bodies; body of human – temples built not with human hands
1 Cor 6:19: What? Do you know not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which you have of God, and not your own?
See body is the temple and what the church is
How does our God dwell in our bodies – the temples built with no human hands?
When you truly repent and accept Jesus Christ, Jesus baptizes you with the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of God moves to dwell in you. This is the Baptism with the Holy Spirit. See also the 3 relationships Holy Spirit has with humans
Before the church-age, in the Old Covenant, the Holy Spirit did not dwell in humans – humans were not Baptist with the Holy Spirit. This is because the Holy Spirit was not yet release from heaven to earth to dwell in humans.
But after Jesus death and resurrection He promised us the Holy Spirit to dwell in us
John 14:17: Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it sees Him not, neither knows Him: but you know him; for He dwells with you, and shall be in you
The release of the Holy Spirit took place after Jesus ascended into heaven as He had promised His disciples
The Holy Spirit dwelling in bodies of humans is God dwelling in His temple – temple built with no human hands; it is the baptism of the Holy Spirit
In church-age, God does not need other temples, temples built with human hands but only the body of human beings. It is for this reason the second temple was destroyed.
The second temple was destroyed for the Holy Spirit to dwell in bodies of human beings. God cannot have two kinds of temples at the same time; one has to give way to the other thus Israel human built temple gave way to temple made with no human hands – the body of humans.
In the church-age, God does not need buildings, houses, tents, etc, neither does He dwell in them – He dwells in bodies of human; His true temple built with no human hands.
Religious and world people do not understand these things. They build buildings, houses, tents, etc and call them churches. On Sunday or any other day you hear them say, ‘we are going to the church, God’s house, etc’. A true church is not a building, house, tent, place, etc but a person in whom the Holy Spirit dwells. See what the church is
When the Holy Spirit is dwelling in you and you say you are going to a church referring to a building, house, tent, etc, this means that the true church (Bride of Christ) is taking herself to an idol called a church. This buildings, houses, tents, etc will not be raptured but only human beings will.
These man-made temples have become idols worshiped by many. Yes! Your buildings called churches are idols – look at how you sacrifice to serve them.
This is one of the big protestant heresy today – making buildings, tents, places, etc temples and churches. See protestant heresies today.
No Jesus Christ servant was and is send to build buildings, houses, tents, etc, in the name of churches. (Servants of Jesus Christ are the servants serving in church-age).
Apostle Paul did not go building houses calling them churches but he went establishing a true body of Christians – human beings. Neither did the apostles nor all Jesus Christ servants.
Every Jesus Christ servant is send to ‘go’ not to ‘huddle’ or build buildings and be stuck in. Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature (Mk 16:15). The word is ‘go’. See in Luke 9 how Jesus Christ sends His servants and how they are supposed to ‘go’.
When Jesus sent His disciple, he never told them to go building building and houses sticking into them and calling them churches. He told them ‘go’. The time they tried to stick together in buildings is when persecution came to scatter them for them to go preach the gospel to every creature.
If you are a true Jesus Christ servant ‘go’.
The time people fall into the heresy of making building, houses, tents, etc, in the name of churches and temples of God Most High is the time the Spirit of the Lord departs from them. See why the Spirit of the Lord departs and how to know if He has departed.
It is for this reason in this buildings, tents and houses you call churches, there is no miracles, signs and wonders because the Holy Spirit has departed. See the kingdom of God is not in the word but in power
When a Jesus Christ servant falls into this heresy, the power (Holy Spirit) departs. It is for these reason you see many called preaching but powerless.
And the biggest mistake is for a prophet and an evangelist to have a building called a church and to start his/her denomination. God prophets neither had buildings called churches nor denominations and they will never have them (see this truth in the Bible).
God servants are send with a specific ministry but your ministry is not a church – you are not to open a church (building), start a denomination and call it by your ministry – it is a heresy. Neither did Moses do that, neither Elijah, Elisha, John the Baptist, Jesus disciples, Apostle Paul, etc.
If Jesus Christ did not do that when preaching on earth why do it?
If a Jesus Christ servant builds a building calling it a church or by the name of his/her specific ministry or starts a denomination is a sign of a Jesus Christ servant in heresy.
Buildings, tents, places, etc, will never be a church but they can be used for purpose without being idolized. When people wake up to the reality that they are the church, they stop serving, worshiping and idolizing places, buildings and tents.
In the church-age, the temple is the body of human beings reason the second temple had to disappear – the second man-made temple had to give way to the true temple made with no human hands – body of humans.
Prophesying the destruction of the second temple, Jesus said,
Mt 24:1-2: And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and His disciples came to Him for to show Him the buildings of the temple. And Jesus said unto them, ‘See you not all these things? Assuredly, I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down’.
And He revealed the true temple when He said,
John 2:19-21: Jesus answered and said unto them, ‘Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up’. Then said the Jews, ‘Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days?’ But He spoke of the temple of His body.
Church-age (Grace Age) God does not need man-made temples neither does God dwell in them. Church age is specifically for the church (Bride of Christ) which started on the cross and ends in rapture.
In the Law Age (Torah), God needs a physical temple on earth made with human hands though He does not dwelling in it – it is only a sign to show people that God is dwelling with them. It is for this reason that Israel will build the third temple after rapture because church-age will have ended and Israel will go back to Law as in the Old Testament. Israel had to give way for the church-age and after the church age (Grace), Torah (The Law) come back.
Israel will be saved from man-made temple when Jesus Christ comes to dwell with them forever and the Holy Jerusalem which descends from heaven will not have a temple because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb will be the temple (Remember Jesus revealing that His body is the temple John 2:19-21).
Rev 21:10-22: And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God. And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it.
It’s time to worship Jesus Christ in Truth and in Spirit and this is the truth
Your body is the temple of Jesus Christ. If the Holy Spirit is dwelling in you, you are the church. That building, house, tent, place, etc, is neither a temple nor a church and God does not dwell there. Stop serving and worshiping an idol.
Jesus is Coming
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Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand