Mind your own business. Many people today cannot mind their own business especially ‘so-called-Christians’ (in quotes).
1 Thess 4:11 Make it your goal to live a quiet life, minding your own business
Mind Your Own Business
When Jesus was on earth, He minded His business.
Jesus never went about judging people but saving and setting them free reason when they brought to Him the woman caught in adultery, Jesus judged her not but instead set her free (John 8:1-11).
Jesus never condemned/damned a person because people are automatically damned if they believe not in Him (Mk 16:16, John 3:18)
Jesus never cursed a person because people are automatically cursed if they do not obey the Truth
Although He was seeing entire sin and wickedness of humankind all over the world (Prov 5:21, Heb 4:13), Jesus never went to confront those in sin and wickedness. He never went to fight those preaching contrary to Him. Instead, it is them, in wickedness and the brood of vipers who came after Him.
Jesus Christ servants do not go after brood of vipers but the brood of vipers come after them
Jesus did not go about looking for whoever is in sin to rebuke because God does not rebuke everyone but only those He loves (Prov 3:12).
Jesus never went about pointing fingers or looking for who to argue, confront and fight
Jesus never went where He was not needed and where He was rejected like in Nazareth and Gerasenes, He walked away peaceful.
Jesus never gossiped rejoiced about those in need, in torment, affliction or in sin but He set them free, delivered and healed them
Jesus never meddled in other people business/affairs but its other people who meddled with His business
Today, when people come to Jesus Christ (claim) or claim to know Jesus, they become judges, judging even Satan demons and the world, going about looking for who to argue, abuse, persecute, curse, rebuke, point fingers at, blame, accuse, and looking for those who do not believe in what they believe or preaching what they do not want to hear to fight – they meddle in other people business. That is not a character of Jesus Christ but of the devil.
More so here in the internet, you see people calling themselves of Jesus Christ going around rebuking, arguing, abusing, persecuting, fighting, cursing and judging those preaching and teaching what they do not want to hear – that is not a character of Jesus Christ.
If a person is teaching what you do not want to hear or believe in, there are many out in the world preaching, go subscribe yourself to whomever you believe in what s/he is teaching and preaching and do not meddle on the business of those preaching and teaching what you do not want to hear. In the same manner when Television is feeding you what you do not want, you change channels not abusing, fighting the television.
I always say, it is only a stupid dog that leaves its own home and goes to the neighbor’s home to bark – it is only a fool who will come out from his/her homestead and go fight another person in his/her home. Only a fool meddles in other people matters (Prov 20:3)
Do not go to another person’s social media page, platform or home to abuse persecute argue confront fight him/her – it is Satanic. You have yours, mind your own business. Only go to edify build encourage help etc.
Where you are rejected or not wanted, walk out peacefully like Jesus. If you are in a group, church, gathering, etc, you do not subscribe to what they believe or do, walk out peacefully and find of your own kind.
People whose work is to mind other people business, meddle on other people affairs, have nothing going on in their lives.
When you concentrate on distractions from people who cannot mind their own business, you will not accomplish the Will of God – you will not finish the race.
A winning marathon runner does not concentrate on the distractions and side-shows but focuses on the race. See from cross to heaven is a marathon not a sprint
It’s Satan who causes distractions, who meddles on other people business. Jesus never allowed Satan to destruct Him even when He was meddling in His business.
God only allows us to meddle on other people businesses/affairs only if;
1. We are going to help them
If a person is in need, go help the person – do not gossip rejoice about it
If a person is in sickness and you can help – go help
If a person is in poverty and you can help – go help
Be like Jesus who never gossiped or rejoiced other people afflictions and torments but set all who come to Him free from their problems torments and afflictions.
2. Prayer
We are all called to pray for one another (Eph 6:18) – not gossip, argue, fight, murmur, blame and complain
If a person is in need and you cannot help, go into a secret place and pray for that person
If you see a person in sin, wickedness, not in Jesus Christ, a preacher preaching doctrine of hell, etc, go to a secret place and pray for the person – do not gossip or fight them.
If you see a relationship or marriage in trouble, do not gossip or rumormonger about it, but go pray for the relationship or marriage.
If you see a fellow human being in trouble, affliction or torment, if you cannot help, go pray for him/her
Today, when you are in trouble torment or affliction, instead of many people coming to help or praying for you especially the ‘Christians’ (in quotes), they come to destroy, get gossips, abuses, persecute, see and hear to rejoice of your afflictions and torment – this is a character of Satan
1Tim 5:12-13 Having damnation, because they have cast off their first faith. And besides they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house; and not only idle, but also gossips and busybodies, speaking things which they ought not.
1 Peter 4:15 But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men’s matters
If only we can learn to mind our own business, help those in need and if we cannot help go pray for them, pray for those in sin and wickedness, we can have an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ and live a peaceful quiet life.
Mind your own business, help those you can, pray for sinners and the wicked, do not go about meddling in other people affairs/business.
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand