Many churches today are not preaching the gospel. They are teaching worldly knowledge and wisdom with false perverted gospel.
The gospel is Jesus Christ. See what the gospel is.
Anything that does not point, reveal and lead people to Jesus Christ is not the gospel. Jesus Christ is salvation, the main purpose of the gospel, and anything that does not lead people to Jesus Christ for salvation is not the gospel.
The time you minus Jesus Christ from any preaching, teaching or writing, that is not the gospel.
Churches today are not preaching the gospel
I went to a church where the preacher preached and taught people how to get rich, save money, invest, have no credit cards, blah, blah, blah.
The preacher taught entirely what you can get in the world’s education and that is neither Biblical nor the gospel.
Worldly knowledge and wisdom is not the gospel.
The gospel does not teach you ‘how tos’ but tells you that everything you need is Jesus Christ. Jesus is the ‘I AM’.
Worldly knowledge, wisdom, perverted and twisted gospel is what is being preached and taught in many churches today. What the world teaches in its education system is being taught in churches and this is neither Biblical nor the gospel.
Anything that does not point, reveal or lead to Jesus Christ and anything that does not tell you that Jesus Christ is everything you need is not the gospel.
Anything that does not tell you that Jesus Christ is the salvation you need is not the gospel.
Anything that does not tell you that Jesus Christ finished all the works on the cross and it is Him that you need is not the gospel.
Anything that does not lead and reveal salvation (Jesus Christ) is not the gospel.
Many churches today are teaching how tos; how to get money, how to stay health, how to be blessed, how to date, how to stay in marriage, how to stop addiction, etc and this is not the gospel.
The gospel is Jesus Christ. Jesus tells you, I am the money, I am the health, I am the tithe, I am salvation, I am the way, I am life, I am resurrection, I am Sabbath, I am rest, I am blessings, I am the healer, I am life, I am bread, etc. Jesus Christ is the ‘I AM’.
You do not need how tos, world knowledge and wisdom, you only need Jesus Christ. You do not need what the world tells you you need and the perverted gospel in many churches today. You need Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is everything you need.
The worldly knowledge, wisdom and perverted gospel preached and taught in many churches today even in the media is a lie; a false gospel.
And it is another gospel not the Biblical gospel and whoever is preaching and teaching that gospel is accursed.
Gal 1:9: As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that you have received, let him be accursed.
Many Christian books are not Christian
Many Christian books have been written and are being written. Christian bookshops and stores have being opened merchandising Christian books but in all this books how many can stand the test to be called a Christian book?
How many of these books are revealing and leading people to Jesus Christ?
If you minus Jesus Christ from the subject of a book claiming to be a Christian book and you still remain with the subject, you do not need that book.
If a book claims to be a Christian book but it does not point, reveal or lead to Jesus Christ, you do not need that book.
If any book replaces the Bible, you read that book more than you read the Bible, you do not need that book.
Jesus is what you need. He is the ‘I AM’
Many people are perishing because they understanding not what the gospel is. They have been carried away and fallen to today’s false preachers, teachers, prophets, ministers, televangelists, etc.
If you go to a church which does not preach and teach the Biblical gospel, you do not have to be part of that perversion. Walk out.
Going to such a church is accepting to be part of the gospel perversion and you are accursed. Ignorance is not an excuse in the heavenly kingdom.
Walk out from that church and God will lead you to a Bible gospel preaching and teaching church.
Instead of going to such a church, you can study the Bible and pray alone and God will be with you. God is a God who sees and hears in secret. In secret you will seek God and see Him, you will call His name and He will answer.
Mt 6:6 But you, when you pray, enter into your closet, and when you has shut your door, pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret shall reward you openly.
Secrecy in everything you do to God is the key.
Apart from this false gospel, many churches today are preaching and teaching prosperity gospel which is a false damnation gospel leading millions of ignorant people to hell.
See 9 reasons prosperity gospel is leading you to hell (next)
Jesus is what you need, forget the rest.
God bless